Stock exchange announcement no. 4 – 16.03.2016: Announcement of 2015 annual report

Udgivet den 16-03-2016  |  kl. 13:47  |  

Tivoli, 16 March 2016


The Executive Board of Tivoli A/S discussed and approved the annual report for 2015 at a board meeting on 16 March 2016.

The financial highlights are as follows:

  • Attendance figures: 4,733,000 visitors compared to 4,478,000 last year, equal to an increase of 6 %.
  • Revenue including tenants and lessees: DKK 1,311.2 million compared to DKK 1,244.0 million last year, equal to an increase of 5 %.
  • Revenue excluding tenants and lessees: DKK 955.2 million compared to DKK 861.9 million last year, equal to an increase of 11 %.
  • Profit before depreciation, amortisation and write-downs: DKK 163.0 million compared to DKK 146.0 million last year, equal to an increase of 12 %.
  • EBIT: DKK 69.0 million compared to DKK 61.6 million last year, equal to an increase of 12 %
  • Profit before tax: DKK 64.1 million compared to DKK 56.4 million last year, equal to an increase of 14 %
  • Profit after tax: DKK 43.8 million compared to DKK 44.4 million last year, equal to a decrease of 1 %

A profit before tax of DKK 64 million is in line with the upward adjustment announced in January 2016, when a profit before tax of between DKK 60 and 65 million was anticipated, states CEO Lars Liebst. The reason for this success is mainly the high number of visitors. The many visitors are due to more opening days in 2015 compared with 2014 (14 days extra), and a high level of activity in the Concert Hall and the Glass Hall - also when the rest of Tivoli is not open and in between seasons.

Furthermore, has performed well and an activity like the online casino is central in the strategy of developing Tivoli from a seasonal to a whole year business. The wish to become a whole year business is also key in the current building project ‘Tivoli Hjørnet’ on the corner of Vesterbrogade and Bernstorffsgade. The new building will have retail, food court and more rooms for the existing Nimb Hotel”, says Lars Liebst.

Expectations for 2016
The weather and other external events can have a strong impact on Tivoli's business, and thereby on the profits for the year. Revenue in 2016 is expected to be on the same level as 2015, at around DKK 900 million. The Group is expected to achieve a profit before tax in the region of DKK 60-70 million.

Tivoli opens on 6 April.

Yours faithfully,

Jørgen Tandrup

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Lars Liebst


Contact: Vice President, Brand & Communications Dorthe W. Barsøe (tel. +45 33 75 02 11 /

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