Nomination of Board member candidate for the Annual General Meeting
Reference is made to announcement no. 5, dated March 16, 2016 regarding Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting.The Board of Directors nominates Niels Christian Nielsen as Board member candidate at the Annual General Meeting.
Then, the following candidates are nominated, all of whom stand for election: Thomas Magnussen, Torben A. Nielsen, Jan Kuhlmann Andersen and Niels Christian Nielsen. Roar Bjørk Seeger does not stand for re-election.
Niels Christian Nielsen (Born 1952, Danish citizen)
Niels Christian Nielsen has served as Board member in 25 companies. Of these, nine of them as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Niels Christian Nielsen brings global perspective; strategy acumen combining discipline and innovation; leadership development and succession, and experience in M&A activities, where his total career record includes more than 90 transactions. Many of the companies have had exceptional growth trajectories. Niels Christian Nielsen was Chairman of the Board of Directors in 2M Invest, a leading Scandinavian Venture Capital company, until the successful IPO in 2000. Previously Niels Christian Nielsen was CEO of Catenas, a global roll-up of services companies. During the 1990s he was part of the team that created the DTI, and from 1994 he was part of the Executive Board that took DTI through a turn-around and made it a prime technology consulting company.
Directorships: Member of the board of Tooling Invest A/S, Zylinc A/S, Unumed ApS and Quantumwise A/S.
For further information, please contact:
Thomas Magnussen, Chairman of the Board
Christina Thomsen, Investor Relations Manager
Telephone +45 4529 0000, e-mail
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