Nordicom A/S - Notification regarding the course of the ordinary general meeting

Udgivet den 27-04-2017  |  kl. 11:57  |  


Nordicom A/S held today, Thursday 27 April 2017, the ordinary general meeting med the following outcome:

  • The general meeting approved, that all future general meetings shall be held in English.
  • The board of directors' report and the announced annual report 2016 was approved by the general meeting. The proposal from the board of directors regarding the profits to be transferred to the next year was approved by the general meeting. As it is stated in the annual report, the company has lost more than half of the share capital. The board of directors reported in accordance with section 119 in the Danish Companies Act the company's financial position for the general meeting.
  • The general meeting approved the proposed fees for the board of directors as well as for the audit committee.
  • The general meeting approved the suggested changes to the articles of association, among others division of the share capital into share classes, so that it can consist of A-shares and B-shares, respectively, authorisations to the board of directors to increase the B-share capital and acquire class A treasury shares and the change of the company's name to Park Street Nordicom A/S.
  • As members of the board of directors the general meeting reelected Pradeep Pattem, Hallur Eyfjörd Thordarson, Ohene Aku Kwapong, Anita Nassar and Lars-Andreas Nilsen. Under the same item Andrew La Trobe were elected as a new member of the board of directors.
  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was elected as the new auditor of the company.

After the general meeting the Board of Directors constituted Pradeep Pattem as Chairman and Hallur Eyfjörd Thordarson as Deputy Chairman.


Best regards


Pradeep Pattem


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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