Carlsberg A/S - Notification and public disclosure of transactions in Carlsberg A/S shares by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
Copenhagen, 2017-08-17 07:45 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
1. | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |
a) | Name | Valdemar Smith |
2. | Reason for the notification | |
a) | Position/status | Related party to Carlsberg A/S due to spouse Nina Smith's position as member of the Carlsberg A/S Supervisory Board |
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification |
3. | Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor | |
a) | Name | Carlsberg A/S |
b) | LEI | 5299001O0WJQYB5GYZ19 |
4. | Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted | |
a) | Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument
Identification code |
B shares DK0010181759 |
b) | Nature of the transaction | Purchase of shares |
c) | Price(s) and volume(s) | Price(s) 677 DKK per share Volume(s) 293 shares |
d) | Aggregated information - Aggregated volume - Price |
N/A |
e) | Date of the transaction | 2017-08-16, 08:40 am UTC (10:40 DK time) |
f) | Place of the transaction | Nasdaq Copenhagen (XCSE) |
Udgivet af: NPinvestordk
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