Coloplast acquires IncoCare Gunhild Vieler GmbH

Udgivet den 07-02-2018  |  kl. 11:31  |  

Coloplast A/S acquires the German direct-to-consumer homecare company IncoCare Gunhild Vieler GmbH (IncoCare) to further strengthen its position in Germany. Together, Coloplast and IncoCare will bring innovative products and services to more users across Germany.

IncoCare is a privately owned, German direct-to consumer homecare company with regional distribution of primarily continence supplies. IncoCare was founded in 1998 and provides patients with products from several different manufacturers including Coloplast. The company has around 20 employees.

IncoCare will become part of the German Coloplast organisation, which already includes one of the largest homecare companies in Germany - SIEWA Homecare.

"The acquisition of IncoCare is part of our strategy of pursuing inorganic opportunities to accelerate growth and to strengthen our service offering. By acquiring IncoCare we strengthen our position in Southeast Germany and ensure that more users get access to our innovative products and services," says Coloplast CEO Lars Rasmussen.

"IncoCare is a great strategic fit. IncoCare and Coloplast were founded on the same desire to help people with intimate healthcare needs, and I look forward to welcoming IncoCare to the Coloplast family," says Mr. Rasmussen.

The acquisition is a continuation of Coloplast's overall ambition to secure its end users access to innovative products and services. Furthermore, the acquisition strengthens Coloplast's position and offering in Germany, where Coloplast expects to continue to work closely with healthcare professionals and channel partners with the intent of improving overall end user outcomes.

The transaction will not impact Coloplast's financial guidance for 17/18. The purchase price is undisclosed.

For more information on IncoCare please refer to 

Lina Danstrup
Senior Media Relations Manager, Corporate Communications
+45 49 11 26 07  
Ellen Bjurgert
Director, Investor Relations
+45 49 11 33 76

Vedhæftede filer:

Coloplast acquires IncoCare.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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