Fertin Pharma A/S is awarded another issued patent on one-layered compressed nicotine gum

Udgivet den 09-03-2018  |  kl. 10:09  |  

VEJLE, Denmark, March 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The market leading nicotine gum manufacturer, Fertin Pharma A/S, adds another milestone in the protection of compressed nicotine gum. While Fertin Pharma A/S has already obtained a large and complex patent portfolio on compressed two-layered nicotine gum, the new patent issued by the European Patent Office is believed to strengthen the competitive landscape in the segment of one-layered compressed nicotine gum. Fertin Pharma A/S has been issued numerous patents on this technology within the past decade. Now, Fertin Pharma A/S is the nicotine manufacturer with the largest patent portfolio on compressed nicotine gum.

Vice President of BD, Marketing & Sales, Anders Dam Vestergaard, announces that Fertin Pharma A/S would enforce the patent rights against any competitor infringing the patents in the field of one-layered compressed nicotine gum. This includes the newly issued patent, EP 2 229 158 B1, and other patents relevant for one-layered compressed gum technology. It is fairly easy to detect infringement of our patent rights, and we have a close eye on our competitors in this field of technology, says Anders Dam Vestergaard. In addition, we believe that our complex patent portfolio makes it difficult for our competitors to even enter this technology segment without infringing our patent rights, Anders Dam Vestergaard adds.

Further to the newly issued European patent, Fertin Pharma A/S has been issued a number of US and Indian patents with relevance in the field of one-layered compressed nicotine technology. These include US 8,603,440, US 8,722,022, US 8,524,196 and US 8,529,875.

Fertin Pharma A/S's main premises are located in Vejle, Denmark, with additional facilities in India. Fertin Pharma A/S is considered one of the world leading developers and manufacturers of B2B nicotine chewing gum.

For further information, please contact:Anders Dam VestergaardTel. +45 7215 1300www.fertin.com

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Fertin Pharma A/S via Globenewswire


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