KBC Group: Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV

Udgivet den 07-11-2018  |  kl. 07:00  |  

Press release
Outside trading hours - Regulated information*

Brussels, 7 November 2018,  8h00

Publication of transparency notification(s) received by KBC Group NV

(art. 14, 1st section of the Act of 2 May 2007 concerning the disclosure of significant participations)   

Summary of the notification(s)

KBC Group NV has received a transparency notification dd. 30 October 2018, dd. 31 October 2018 and
dd. 1 November 2018, which - as a final result - state that BlackRock Inc. has crossed the reporting threshold of 5% (total voting rights and equivalent financial instruments) downwards. 

Content of the notification(s)

The notification(s) contain(s) following information:

Reason for the notification(s): acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rightsNotification(s) by: BlackRock Inc.Persons subject to the notification requirement: see annexDate(s) on which the threshold is crossed: 29 October 2018, 30 October 2018, 31 October 2018.Threshold that is crossed: 5%

(KBC Group's Articles of Association set a notification threshold of 3% of the total number of voting rights. In addition, the legal thresholds of 5% or any multiple thereof also apply)

Denominator (number of shares KBC Group NV): 415 897 567Notified details: see annex. The number of KBC-shares with voting rights and equivalent financial instruments owned by BlackRock (expressed as a per cent of the total of KBC-shares) amounted to 4.91% and 0.08% dd. 29 October 2018, 4.99% and 0.07% dd. 30 October 2018 and 3.96% and 1.03% dd. 31  October 2018.Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held:
See "11: Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held" in the PDF-file(s) on www.kbc.com (see below).The relevant notification(s) is (are) available at www.kbc.com > Investor relations > Shareholder information > Shareholder structure.

Full press release attached.




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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