SD-WAN Market Leader Aryaka Expands PASSPORT Ecosystem with Symantec's Cloud-Delivered Security

Udgivet den 07-11-2018  |  kl. 16:47  |  

Aryaka and Symantec's security ecosystems intersect to provide secure application performance to global enterprises

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Nov. 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Aryaka, the leading SD-WAN as a Service provider, today announced a new technology partnership with Symantec to incorporate fully managed SD-WAN, application performance, and advanced threat mitigation for a multi-layered approach to protecting the network and enterprise users.

Symantec, a global leader in next-generation cyber security, will be part of Aryaka's PASSPORT security platform and ecosystem which provides globally distributed businesses with multi-layered defense capabilities that include network containment, traffic compartmentalization, DDoS mitigation, and next-generation firewall. Other industry leaders that are a part of Aryaka's PASSPORT ecosystem are Palo Alto Networks, Zscaler, and Radware.

"Comprehensive threat mitigation is imperative for the modern enterprise, particularly when it comes to connecting global locations to data and applications residing in the cloud," said Claudio Perugini, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Global Channels at Aryaka. "Incorporating Symantec's Web Security Service into Aryaka's SD-WAN as a Service offers customers best-in-class defense as their vulnerability vectors continue to expand."

Aryaka will now be a part of Symantec's Technology Integration Partner Program (TIPP), which means it can leverage an open ecosystem that includes a complete API framework, as well as integration with the Symantec Integrated Cyber Defense Platform. Aryaka and Symantec will explore and strive to offer API-based integrated solutions that best service customers and help protect them from security threats. Also, as part of Symantec's TIPP, Aryaka will have access to Symantec technology, tools and support to enable delivery of these API-integrated solutions to market faster and more efficiently.

"In the cloud generation, it's important for companies to work with an open ecosystem to reduce the potential risk of fragmentation that can result in increased vulnerabilities and high operating costs," said Peter Doggart, Vice President of Business Development at Symantec. "By integrating with the latest, advanced security technologies, our partners can help protect their customers and data from threats. With the Symantec Technology Integration Partner Program, we've made our Integrated Cyber Defense Platform open for integration in order to develop deep technical integrations. Together, we can make a positive impact and help make the world a safer place from cyber threats."

Mostly recently, Aryaka was awarded the "2018 SD-WAN Product of the Year Award" by TMC, and was recognized in the "2018 Cloud Partner Program Guide" by CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company.

For more information about Aryaka's award-winning global SD-WAN, visit

About Aryaka
Aryaka is transforming how global enterprises connect sites and users worldwide, and use mission-critical applications to support modern business execution demands. Aryaka's Global SD-WAN combines a purpose-built private network, SD-WAN, optimization and acceleration techniques, connectivity to cloud platforms and network visibility in a single solution that is delivered as a service.

To learn more, visit
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Aryaka Contact
Andy Leong
Senior Director of Product Marketing


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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