BankNordik share buy-back programme: Transactions week 49

Udgivet den 07-12-2018  |  kl. 09:36  |  

Company announcement

Announcement no. 48/2018

BankNordik share buy-back programme: Transactions week 49

On August 10, 2018 BankNordik announced a share buy-back programme. The programme is being carried out under Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 and the Commission's delegated regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (also referred to as the Safe Harbour rules), which ensures that BankNordik is protected against violation of insider legislation in relation to the share buyback programme.

The share buyback programme runs from 6 August 2018 to 30 March 2019. In this period BankNordik will acquire shares with a value of up to DKK 15.0 million, with a maximum of up to 10% of the company's share capital.

Since the announcement as of 6 August 2018, the following transactions have been made under the program:

  Number of shares Average
purchase price
Transaction value in DKK
Accumulated, last announcement 66,091 112.29 7,421,533
30 November 2018 590 111.00 65,490
03 December 2018 565 111.50 62,997
04 December 2018 555 110.00 61,050
05 December 2018 553 111.00 61,383
06 December 2018 498 111.00 55,278
Accumulated under the programme 68,852 112.24 7,727,731

With the transactions stated above, BankNordik holds a total of 406,861 of treasury shares, excluding investments made on behalf of customers and shares held for trading purposes, corresponding to 4.07% of the share capital.

In accordance with the Commission's delegated regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 the share buy-back transactions data is presented in detail form here:

Filled Instrument Price Traded on Ex.
20 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181130 15:06:14.394672 XCSE
499 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181130 15:06:14.394672 XCSE
2 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181130 15:06:14.394672 XCSE
69 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181130 15:06:14.394672 XCSE
Filled Instrument Price Traded on Ex.
289 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 110.50 20181203 14:38:05.657206 XCSE
81 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 110.50 20181203 14:38:05.657206 XCSE
5 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 110.50 20181203 14:38:05.657206 XCSE
190 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 110.50 20181203 14:38:05.824905 XCSE
Filled Instrument Price Traded on Ex.
555 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 110.00 20181204 12:26:34.057418 XCSE
Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled
553 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181205 10:44:07.222041 XCSE
Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled
244 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181206 11:25:47.385946 XCSE
70 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181206 11:34:17.551145 XCSE
50 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181206 12:45:28.927693 XCSE
129 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181206 16:07:25.911104 XCSE
5 BNORDIK-CSE.CO 111.00 20181206 16:53:08.814427 XCSE

Further information:
Árni Ellefsen, CEO, tel. (+298) 230 348

BankNordik has banking activities in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands and insurance activities in the Faroe Islands. Founded in the Faroe Islands more than a century ago, the Group has total assets of DKK 16.7bn and 390 employees. The Bank is subject to the supervision of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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