A new scientific publication from AroCell confirming the value of AroCell TK 210 ELISA as a tool in drug discovery and development

Udgivet den 11-12-2018  |  kl. 07:30  |  

A peer-reviewed article has been published in the journal Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, entitled "Doxorubicin effects on leukemia and breast cancer cells in culture on the Thymidine Kinase 1 protein levels using AroCell TK 210 ELISA: a tool for drug development", written by Kiran Jagarlamudi et al. The results have previously been presented at a scientific meeting in Gdansk last year.

TK 1 has the potential as a proliferation and cell disruption biomarker for the monitoring of cancer disease during therapy. In this publication the goal was to measure induction and release of TK 1 from leukemia and breast tumor cell lines in vitro, modeling the clinical effects of doxorubicin, a commonly used chemotherapy drug.

"We are delighted with the results of this scientific study, which demonstrate that the AroCell TK 210 ELISA can be used to measure TK 1 protein as a biomarker for in vitro drug effects, particularly, for drugs targeting cell proliferation and DNA damage." says Michael Brobjer, AroCell's new CEO. "These results support AroCell's focus on the application of the TK 210 ELISA in drug discovery and development. They demonstrate the potential of TK1 as a translational biomarker that can be used to evaluate potential drug candidates before they are moved into xenograft and other preclinical investigations."

AroCell TK 210 ELISA is an easy-to-use, robust and reproducible assay. In addition, it can be run on standard ELISA equipment commonly used in many laboratories.

The publication is available on: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15257770.2018.1478094

For more information:
Michael Brobjer, CEO
AroCell AB (publ)
Tel: +46(0)70 669 96 87
E-mail: michael.brobjer@arocell.com

This information was submitted for publication through the agency of Michael Brobjer, December 11, 2018 at 08:30 hours.

About AroCell
AroCell AB (AROC) is a Swedish company that develops standardized modern blood tests to support the prognosis and follow-up of cancer patients. AroCell´s new technology is based on patented methods to measure Thymidine Kinase 1 (TK 1) protein levels in a blood sample. The TK 210™ ELISA test provides valuable information mainly about the condition of cancer patients. This may help clinicians to optimize treatment strategies and estimate the risk of recurrence of tumor disease during the monitoring of the disease. AroCell (AROC) is listed at Nasdaq First North with Redeye AB as Certified Adviser.
For more information: www.arocell.com


20181211 PM Nuclosides en


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