Sword Group - Strategic Acquisition

Udgivet den 03-01-2019  |  kl. 18:18  |  

Sword Group - Strategic Acquisition

Acquisition of Magique Galileo
Consolidation of a new business cluster
Revenue trend for 2019: €200 million

Sword announces the acquisition of Magique Galileo

Magique Galileo, a software company specialising in GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance), is based in London, in close proximity to our Sword Active Risk subsidiary.

Magique Galileo has developed a range of products that are totally complementary with those currently marketed by Sword Active Risk, both in terms of the markets catered for and the business know how:

Sword Active Risk is primarily geared to Industry and Defense; Magique Galileo focuses predominantly on the Services market and more particularly the Banking/ Insurance sector.

Sword Active Risk has established an impressive reputation with its Risk Management capabilities and Magique Galileo has done likewise, notably with its audit and governance solution set.

Magique Galileo currently generates £1.4M in revenue per year with an EBITDA margin of approximately 10%.

The objective is that the harmonisation should enable us to extend our presence across our targeted industries.

The new company that results from the merger between Sword Active Risk and Magique Galileo will be called Sword GRC and will be headquartered in Maidenhead, in the current Sword Active Risk premises.

The Magique Galileo and Sword Active Risk association will immediately generate added value.

Sword consolidates its holding in Tipik on 1st January 2019

Tipik, the Communication Agency based in Brussels designs its clients' communication strategy. From Web design to compliance management of the legal contents through to events organisation. Tipik is a digital communications agency that operates on the international market.

Tipik currently generates a revenue of €10 million with an EBITDA margin of 8%.

The company of which Sword owns 49% is ideally positioned for the introduction of the third "Digital Communication" business cluster.

Sword revenue trend for 2019

Sword sets its 2019 organic growth target at 12%.

With this acquisition and this new consolidation, the 2019 revenue will reach €200 million.

24/01/19: Publication of 2018 Fourth Quarter Results
15/03/19: FY2018 presentation meeting in Paris at 9 am, Business Center Paris Trocadero

About Sword Group
Sword has 2,000+ IT/Digital & Software specialists present over 5 continents to accompany you in the growth of your organisation in the digital age.
As a leader in technological and digital transformation, Sword has since 2000 acquired a solid reputation in software publishing and in complex IT & business project management.
With Sword you have the guarantee of strong close and qualified local commitment, the aim of which is to optimise your processes and data.

Sword Group - 2, rue d'Arlon L-8399 Windhof - investorrelations@sword-group.lu 


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Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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