Aker ASA: Torbjørn Kjus joins Aker as Chief Economist
Aker ASA has recruited Torbjørn Kjus (48) as Chief Economist, effective 30 January, 2019.
Kjus comes from the position as Asset Manager in Vistin Trading, but is better known for having worked as DNB Markets' Chief Oil Analyst for close to 11 years until the summer of 2018. He has 18 years of experience in analyzing global energy markets, both from the industry (Norsk Hydro in Oslo and BP in London) and from the financial sector. Kjus is educated at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen and holds a MBA in Accounting (State Authorized Public Accountant).
For further information, please contact:
Atle Kigen, Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +47 24 13 00 08
Mobile: +47 907 84 878