Lithium Werks appoints T. Joseph Fisher III as chairman

Udgivet den 14-01-2019  |  kl. 07:00  |  

HENGELO, Netherlands, Jan. 14, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dutch energy storage and battery company Lithium Werks B.V. ( has appointed T. Joseph (Joe) Fisher III as chairman of the board.

Fisher, who has been the company's chief executive since he co-founded the company in 2017, is a 30-year veteran in the battery industry.

He will now also step into the role as chairman of Lithium Werks, while Kees Koolen will focus on the development of a separate battery company. Koolen remains a shareholder and supporter of Lithium Werks, and the two companies will continue to cooperate closely going forward.

"We are committed to playing a leading role in society's energy transition to renewables such as solar and wind and our strategy remains unchanged," Fisher said.

"We anticipate particularly strong growth in Europe, where battery demand appears to be insatiable. There is growing awareness amongst policymakers, companies and civilians that we will need batteries to ensure the lights don't go out when there is no wind and the sun isn't shining. As a European battery company, we are competitively positioned to deliver what our fast-growing customer base requires.

"As energy storage is an essential part of the energy transition, in Europe and across the world, we expect demand for lithium-ion batteries to grow tenfold over the next decade alone. Our industry must step up to the challenge and construct enough factories to deliver capacity in thousands of GWh over the next three decades." said Fisher.

"Our expertise in safe, reliable, clean and sustainable energy storage solutions engendered dramatic growth in 2018. As we enter 2019, we expect to expand further in response to soaring demand through both organic growth and further acquisitions, including our future factory plans in China with our local partners."

Lithium Werks, which already has three smaller battery facilities in China and has operations across three continents, plans to build multiple giga factories. The factories and related facilities will produce battery cells and systems for lithium-ion batteries to be used for energy storage and smart grids, as well as for large transportation equipment and industrial applications.

About Lithium Werks
Lithium Werks is a fast-growing global lithium-ion battery company, headquartered in Hengelo, the Netherlands, with production facilities in China and offices and warehousing facilities in the Netherlands, the US, the UK and Norway. Lithium Werks provides cells, modules and energy management systems to industrial, transportation, marine and clean energy storage markets.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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