Park Street Nordicom Strategy Update 2019

Udgivet den 30-01-2019  |  kl. 18:29  |  

We are pleased to outline the strategy for Park Street Nordicom for the year 2019 in the attached document. With a dynamic and growing team in place, we are poised to take significant steps towards the objecti­ves of establishing a best in class European Real Estate Platform driven by technology and design. Our portfolio of assets across Denmark give us a stable base to work with developing scalable strategies across student housing, community based offices, hotels and in transforming local shopping centres. We have taken several initiatives in the past few months and have an exciting plan for the coming year. We look forward to work with the wider ecosystem of partners to achieve several goals.

Park Street Nordicom will maintain its target EBITDA for year 2018 at DKK 80 to 90million. The EBITDA  target for year 2019 is DKK 100million. The Year 2018 numbers in the attached document are estimates and not audited. Audited financials for the year 2018 will be published in March 2019 as per our financial calendar.

For any questions or comments, please reach out to us. Thanks

Best regards

Pradeep Pattem


For further information please contact Pradeep Pattem, CEO at

Company Website:

Telephone Number: +45 33 33 93 03


Park Street Nordicom Strategy 2019


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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