Michalis Christodoulou, the new Senior Corporate Director Operations for NexusTours

Udgivet den 07-03-2019  |  kl. 19:00  |  

CANCUN, Quintana Roo, March 07, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are pleased to announce  that as of February 28, Michalis Christodoulou joined our team as Senior Corporate Director Operations, reporting directly to Ruben Gutierrez our President Sunwing Destination Services / NexusTours , as the new member of the NexCo executive committee.

Michalis Christodolou is a well-known professional, with strong key relationships within the tourism industry, and a wealth leadership experience in companies of the market such as; Expedia, PriceTravel Holding, Xcaret Group, My Travel Canada Holidays Inc., Olympus Tours and Daelmi Tours. Michalis has added to each of these companies his great capacity to consolidate and increase strategic alliances, create high performance teams, and a great capacity to fulfill objectives.

Michalis joins NexusTours to develop operational strategies that ensure compliance with commercial, operational and financial objectives in the countries were NexusTours is present, in addition to providing business efficiency, aligning processes and establishing the highest quality standards, in an environment of constant changes such as the tourism industry.

Ruben Gutierrez President Sunwing Destination Services / NexusTours commented We are very happy to incorporate a great professional like Michalis to our management team. With his arrival we will be able to boost the operations area, and accelerate the transformation proposed in our Strategic Plan Nexus 2.0, which focuses on the client needs, innovation, and the implementation of new programs in team- effort with our Country Directors and Destination Managers, which will report directly to Michalis. At the same time, his deep knowledge on the sector adds great value in the standardization process of our best practices, and will ease the expansion plan of the next 3 years, to consolidate us as Local Experts leaders in America.

This new incorporation completes the NexCo executive committee, led by Ruben Gutierrez President Sunwing Destination Services / NexusTours, and made up by Michalis Christodoulou, Roberto Bermudez -Senior Corporate Director Distribution & Product- Jesus Rocha -Senior Corporate IT Director- Pedro Dominguez -Senior Corporate Director & Finance Corporate Services- and Pablo Gutierrez -Senior Corporate Director Strategy & Marketing.


We are the leading Destination Management Company in Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America. Our operational offices are located in 19 countries and across 56 destinations. As local experts in the destinations we serve, our specialty is providing all the in-destination services that our travel partners' clients may require during their trip. This includes an expansive portfolio of accommodation options, including more than 16,000 hotels, transfer services including shared, private and luxury transportation from all airports and ports, more than 4,000 excursions for travelers of all ages and interests and world-class customer service in all of the destinations we serve.

Our main objective is to offer customers exemplary service and differentiated products. Our Nexus Collection catalogue is comprised with more than 600 exclusive activities of added value; as well as our own transportation fleet of modern vehicles ranging from vans to buses, all equipped with free Wi-Fi. We also offer comprehensive customer service for clients with our 24/7 Contact Centre, customer service teams in destination and our Post-Travel department.

Recently, we launched one of the most exciting modern technological solutions for the distribution of touristic services called NexusCube. This new platform will offer our travel partners the best online solutions to increase their business and will allow them to access immediate confirmations for all our services through the following:

Travel Partner Portal: (TPP https://tpp.nexustours.com/login/ Available for professional use through simple registration).

XML integrations with state-of-the-art APIs compatible with the booking systems of any travel agency, tour operator or OTA.

As part of Sunwing Travel Group, our clients include Sunwing Vacations, Signature Vacations, Vacation Express and TUI Travel Group; plus more than 1,500 travel partners across Latin America, Mexico and Europe.

For more information please visit:


For general inquiries related to media please contact:

Alejandra Martínez de Alva Arnedo
External Communication Coordinator

Pablo Gutiérrez
Senior Corporate Director Strategy & Marketing

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/90616c8b-02b1-4df3-b90f-1e0e55b764f4


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