Udgivet den 02-04-2019  |  kl. 12:00  |  

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Solidium Oy was held in Helsinki on 2 April 2019. The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved that Solidium will transfer shares in Kemira, Nokia and Sampo (A-shares) worth EUR 80 million in total as capital repayment to the State of Finland. The State of Finland will transfer the shares further to Oppiva Invest Oy, which acts under the Finnish National Agency for Education in order to execute projects within vocational education and training.

Consequently, Solidium's holding in Kemira will decrease from 14.9 per cent to 14.0 per cent, in Nokia from 3.66 per cent to 3.54 per cent and in Sampo from 10.09 per cent to 9.95 per cent (from 10.01 per cent to 9.87 per cent of votes).

Further information: CEO Antti Mäkinen, tel. +358 (0)10 830 8905

Solidium is a limited company wholly owned by the State of Finland. Its mission is to strengthen and stabilise Finnish ownership in nationally important companies and increase the value of its holdings in the long term. The basis and core objective of Solidium's strategy is proper, value-enhancing asset management of its current holdings. Through its stakes, Solidium is a minority owner in thirteen listed companies: Elisa, Kemira, Konecranes, Metso, Nokia, Nokian Tyres, Outokumpu, Outotec, Sampo, SSAB, Stora Enso, Tieto and Valmet. The market value of Solidium's investments is approximately 7.8 billion euros. Further information:


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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