Invitation to presentation of Net Insight's Interim report January - March 2019

Udgivet den 11-04-2019  |  kl. 07:21  |  

Stockholm, Sweden - Net Insight will publish its interim report January - March 2019, on April 25, 2019 at 8.45 am CEST. A live audiocast/teleconference will take place the same day at 9.30 am CEST.

The live audiocast/teleconference will include a short presentation of the report followed by a question and answer session. A possibility will be given to ask questions both via telephone and via the audiocast where the presentation material can be followed live. Participating from Net Insight will be Henrik Sund, CEO, and Pelle Bourn, CFO.

Link to live audiocast: The audiocast will be available on demand afterwards at

Teleconference: The conference call is mainly targeted to analysts, institutional investors and media. To participate and thereby be able to ask questions, please use one of the following numbers:

UK: +44 333 300 9261
USA: +1 844 625 1570
Sweden: +46 8 566 426 93

Financial report: The interim report January - March 2019 will be available at

We look forward to your participation.

Henrik Sund

For further information, please contact:
Hanna Laurentz, Director Marketing & Corporate Communication, tel. +46 8 685 04 00,

About Net Insight

Net Insight's vision is to enable a live and interactive media experience for anyone on earth. Our aim is to lead progress and enable a global media marketplace where live content can be exchanged and interaction among TV audiences can take place in real-time. We want to create the media experience of the future, centered on content.

Net Insight delivers products, software and services for effective, high-quality media transport, coupled with the effective management of resources, all, which creates an enhanced TV experience. Net Insight's offerings span across the entire media spectrum, starting from TV cameras and TV studios, right through to the TV consumers. Our solutions benefit network operators, and TV and production companies, by lowering total cost of ownership, improving their workflow efficiencies and providing them with the ability to capture new business opportunities.

More than 500 world-class customers run mission critical media services using Net Insight's solutions, covering more than 60 countries worldwide. Net Insight is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

For more information, please visit

Twitter: @NetInsight,

LinkedIn: @Net Insight


Press release (PDF)


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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