The Nomination Committee of Saniona Proposes Election of One Additional Member of the Board of Directors

Udgivet den 26-04-2019  |  kl. 06:00  |  


April 26, 2019

Saniona (OMX: SANION), a biotech company focused on the treatment of eating disorders and diseases of the central nervous system, announced today that its Nomination Committee comprised of Søren Skjærbæk appointed by Jørgen Drejer, John Haurum appointed by Thomas Feldthus and J. Donald deBethizy, Saniona's Chairman of the Board, have proposed Edward C. Saltzman as new member of the Board of Directors. The company's shareholders will resolve on this nomination at the Annual General Meeting to be held on May 29, 2019. Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting will be issued through a separate press release. 

 "We are extremely pleased to be nominating Ed Saltzman as a new Board member, said J. Donald deBethizy, Saniona's Chairman of the Board. Ed's extensive strategic and commercial experience within rapidly growing biotechnology companies is a great addition to our Board as we continue to build Saniona's pipeline of innovative drug candidates. This appointment adds to the existing expertise of our highly-respected Board members as they guide Saniona toward continued growth and success.

Edward C. Saltzman, born 1955, is Executive Chairman of Cello Health BioConsulting (CHBC), previously Defined Health, after having led the sale of Defined Health to Cello Health in 2017. CHBC is a leading strategic business development advisory firm serving senior executives in pharma, biotech and investment. Edward C. Saltzman possesses a vast knowledge of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry accumulated over Defined Health's 25+ years of consultancy to pharma, biotech, specialty pharma and investors. From this breadth and depth of experience, he provides guidance to CHBC's senior project leadership who work with clients across multiple therapeutic areas. Edward C. Saltzman is a well-regarded and in demand speaker on industry issues and has been recognized widely as an early "spotter" of key trends that go on to have significant impact within the life sciences industry, especially as these pertain to the licensing and business development field.

Edward C. Saltzman previous experience includes positions at the Ayerst Laboratories unit of American Home Products, where he had responsibility for evaluation and forecasting of compounds being considered for licensing, and at FIND/SVP, where he managed the Healthcare Information Center.

Other current positions: Edward C. Saltzman serves as a Venture Advisor to the Israel Biotech Fund and is a board member of Vidac Pharma.

Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting on May 29, 2019 will be issued through a separate press release and will be made available at the company website.

For more information, please contact

Søren Skjærbæk, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Mobile: +45 2622 3464, E-mail:

Thomas Feldthus, EVP and CFO, Saniona, Mobile: +45 2210 9957, E-mail:

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:00 CET on April 26, 2019.

About Saniona

Saniona is a research and development company focused on drugs for diseases of the central nervous system and eating disorders. The company has five programs in clinical development. Saniona intends to develop and commercialize treatments for orphan indications such as Prader-Willi syndrome and hypothalamic obesity on its own. The research is focused on ion channels and the company has a broad portfolio of research programs. Saniona has partnerships with Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Productos Medix, S.A de S.V and Cadent Therapeutics. Saniona is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the company's shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap (OMX: SANION). Read more at


20190426 - PR - Saniona Proposes New Board Members - UK


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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