Gordon Brothers Launches Leadership Insight Podcast

Udgivet den 23-04-2020  |  kl. 13:58  |  

Boston, MA, April 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gordon Brothers, the global advisory, restructuring, and investment firm, announces the launch of its 'Added Value' Leadership Insight Podcast today.  The series has been developed to provide Gordon Brothers clients, partners, and businesses with up-to-date perspectives on industry and global trends.

The opening series of the 'Added Value' podcasts, a COVID-19 Series, seeks to tackle the current and future effects of the COVID-19 pandemic through conversations with Gordon Brothers' leadership and research analysts.  As the world continues to battle the height of the outbreak, many businesses and industries are stagnant, waiting for the virus to subside and the world to regain some measure of normalcy.  Until then, Gordon Brothers is dedicated to providing clients, partners, and businesses with the latest trends and information to help them navigate this difficult time.

"We are excited to launch the podcast series as a new way for our industry experts and leaders to reach our clients and a wider audience," said Steve Holstein, Gordon Brothers' Head of Global Business Development.  "We hope the podcasts' current COVID-19 Series will help bring much needed perspective to the current economic crisis," he added.

Episode one, Adaptations to Valuations, and episode two, Industry Trends and Portents, of the COVID-19 Series can be found at the Gordon Brothers COVID-19 Resource Hub at https://www.gordonbrothers.com/covid-19, in addition to the firm's latest information, articles, and perspectives on the impact of COVID-19.  Upcoming episodes include The Ails of Retail, The Fate of Real Estate, and Understanding Brands.

About Gordon Brothers 

Since 1903, Gordon Brothers (www.gordonbrothers.com) has helped lenders, operating executives, advisors, and investors move forward through change.  The firm brings a powerful combination of expertise and capital to clients, developing customized solutions on an integrated or standalone basis across four service areas: valuations, dispositions, operations, and investments.  Whether to fuel growth or facilitate strategic consolidation, Gordon Brothers partners with companies in the retail, commercial, and industrial sectors to put assets to their highest and best use.  Gordon Brothers conducts more than $70 billion worth of dispositions and appraisals annually.  Gordon Brothers is headquartered in Boston, with 25 offices across five continents.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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