New Group Management member

Udgivet den 28-04-2020  |  kl. 08:24  |  

Company announcement
for ROCKWOOL International A/S
Release no. 21 - 2020
to Nasdaq Copenhagen         

28 April 2020

New Group Management member

ROCKWOOL International A/S announces that Jessica Jonasson has been named to become Senior Vice President for Group Human Resources and a member of Group Management. 

Jessica Jonasson is a Swedish national, currently holding the position of Vice President for Human Resources at ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, based in Helsingborg, Sweden. She is expected to start her new position at ROCKWOOL on 03 August 2020.

Commenting on the appointment, CEO Jens Birgersson states "Jessica will bring a great deal of international experience and perspective to our work at ROCKWOOL, which we highly value with our 11,700 employees representing more than 60 nationalities spread across 39 countries. With her having worked previously in retail as well as manufacturing sectors in Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom and with global responsibilities, we look forward to welcoming Jessica to the team later this year."

Jessica Jonasson replaces Camilla Grönholm, who after 20 years in international positions, the last eight of which with ROCKWOOL, has opted to return to Finland to spend more time with family and to pursue non-executive work. Camilla Grönholm will officially retire from ROCKWOOL at the end of May, though will support a smooth transition when Jessica Jonasson comes onboard. 

Jens Birgersson comments, "We are extremely grateful to Camilla for her eight years of service with ROCKWOOL during which she has led our efforts to build a truly global human resources organization. On behalf of everyone at ROCKWOOL, I wish Camilla much happiness and success together with her family and friends at home in Finland."

Further information:                      

Jens Birgersson
ROCKWOOL International A/S
+45 46 56 03 00




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