Waturu Holding A/S initiates IPO of Aquaturu A/S

Udgivet den 26-05-2020  |  kl. 14:39  |  

Company announcement No. 31
Vejle, May 26. 2020

The subsidiary Aquaturu A/S, which develops technology for sustainable land-based fish farming, has entered into an agreement with Certified Adviser Tofte & Company, in connection with a planned IPO (Initial Public Offering) of the company in the second half of 2020.

The planned IPO is due to Waturu Holding A/S's strategy of separating and capitalizing business areas that the company does not have the means to capitalize. This has also been chosen to ensure that especially smaller shareholders in Waturu Holding A/S are not diluted.

Aquaturu A/S expects to issue 25 - 35 MDKK in new shares.

Waturu Holding A/S retains the majority shares of Aquaturu A/S post the IPO.

Investors who wish to participate as a conerstone investor in Aquaturu A/S can contact the company's CFO Michael Nørgaard, via e-mail to info@aquaturu.com. Cornerstone investors will be guaranteed full allocation upon completion of the expected IPO.

About Aquaturu A/S
Aquaturu A/S has developed a new anti-algae and anti-bacterial solution for land-based fish farming. The solution can ensure fish producers, higher revenue through higher survival rates and lower costs through savings on drugs, antibiotics and chemicals.

Globally, there are approx. 30,000 onshore freshwater plants for fish production and today more fish are produced in onshore plants than are caught at sea. It is estimated that the total potential market is 250,000 - 350,000 Aquaturu units.

The Board of Directors has decided, on the basis of great interest from the Aquaculture industry, that the company is ready to launch a production of Aquaturu units and a commercialization of the company.

About Waturu Holding A/S
Waturu Holding A/S is a Vejle based Greentech company, which develops innovative water technology for heating or treating water, with the focus on ensuring bacteria-free water and reducing water and energy consumption for heating hot water in properties and thus ensuring CO2 savings. Waturu Holding A/S is a major shareholder in the medical company Watgen Medical A/S and in the technology company Aquaturu A/S.

Further information:
CEO Toke Reedtz, cell.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail: toke@waturu.com
CFO Michael Nørgaard, cell.: +45 2720 6214, e-mail: mn@waturu.com

Waturu Holding A/S
Sjællandsgade 32
7100 Vejle

Certified Adviser
Tofte & Company ApS
Christian IX Gade 7, 3rd,
1111 København
Phone.: +45 71961030
Contact: Sasja Dalgaard, mobile: +45 26100877, e-mail: sd@toftecompany.com
Website: toftecompany.com

Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Important links:
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Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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