International AutoSource (IAS) Announces New Website Enhancements for Partners

Udgivet den 01-09-2020  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Designed to provide corporations and organizations relocating talent worldwide with tailored new vehicle purchase programs to fit their needs.

Woodbury, NY, Sept. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- International AutoSource (IAS), a leading expat global vehicle provider for over 25 years, is proud to announce the launch of a new and improved partner section of their website to support the various teams and industries they serve in global mobility.

These new website improvements are designed to enhance the user experience while providing helpful information to educate both partners and prospective partners on how IAS can help their company and assignees with their unique vehicle programs. 

These new partner pages were designed for the following teams and industries relocating talent:

Corporate HR & Global Mobility ManagersRelocation Service ProvidersHospitals and Healthcare Staffing AgenciesInternational Admissions Recruiters, University Brokers or Educational Organizations

 IAS is committed to providing simple and streamlined vehicle programs designed to meet the needs of individual companies and their assignees relocating worldwide. New features include an all-new partner homepage, easy navigation and four unique pages promoting the benefits for the different types of partners that we serve: Corporate HR and Mobility, Relocation Service Providers, Healthcare and Hospital Staffing Agencies, and International Education Organizations for relocating students and teachers. 

"For 25 years IAS has helped international assignees, students and foreign nationals moving to the USA fulfill their desire to own a new vehicle allowing them to travel safely on their own schedule. We have served over 50,000 customers and look forward to welcoming new customers arriving to the United States and around the globe. - David Goldring, Chairman and CEO

About International AutoSource (IAS)

IAS is the expatriate consumer division of OMSC, (Overseas Military Sales Corp.), the global distributor of vehicles to the U.S. Armed Forces, Diplomats and U.S. government employees for almost 60 years. Together, they are the largest global distributor of vehicles in the world. As the trusted experts for expats, IAS provides factory-backed financing programs for foreign executives, healthcare professionals, students and teachers with low rates and no local credit history required. IAS delivers a simple and streamlined program saving clients valuable time, money and resources so they can focus on their work assignment or academic program.

 For more information about the IAS programs, partnership opportunities and to learn about car financing, leasing and all-inclusive rentals for your assignees, please visit our website:


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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