ASICLine releases 5nm ASIC Miners

Udgivet den 21-10-2020  |  kl. 18:34  |  

ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ASICLine Inc. is pleased to announce the official release of its new 5nm ASIC miners FirstLine and PowerBox. Both these multi-algorithm miners have been designed with the goal of ensuring lightning fast hash rate, maximum energy efficiency, and fastest return on investment for all crypto mining enthusiasts regardless of their experience. Both the products are now up for sale via the company's website and can be shipped worldwide in just 7 days.

ASIC mining is the latest buzzword in the world of crypto mining with a significantly higher speed and efficiency compared to the conventional GPU mining. To guarantee profitability for its customers, ASICLine has come up with two miners offering unrivalled hash rates and exceptionally low power consumption.

FirstLine: Bitcoin 410 TH/s, Litecoin 60 GH/s, Ethereum 8 GH/s, and Monero 3 MH/s, and 650 W power consumption.

PowerBox: Bitcoin 1250 TH/s, Litecoin 180 GH/s, Ethereum 24 GH/s, and Monero 9 MH/s, and 1800 W power consumption.

ASICLine miners can be used easily by anyone without any difficulty. Users just need to connect the unit to a power socket and access it through WiFi or cable, enter the pool data or choose ASICLine's free mining pool and start mining. All these miners are delivered pre-configured with Linux based system equipped with ASICLine software, offering an easy to use interface.

"We have been working relentlessly to bring the benefits of the latest ASIC technology to common people for a price that is within their reach. If you are looking make a decent profit out of crypto mining, your search ends right here at ASICLine," said ASICLine CEO Martin Muller.

To find out more, please visit

About ASICLine: ASICLine was founded by a team comprising of multiple investors dedicated to bringing the latest ASIC technology miners to the market before the so-called technology giants use them for a long time for their own profit and dump them on the market when they are no longer profitable. Whenever a new generation of ASIC is available, ASICLine is committed to bringing it to the public for a price they can afford. The company is now offering an advanced range of ASIC miners with guaranteed profitability.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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