Kongsberg awards order to Kitron

Udgivet den 09-11-2020  |  kl. 08:44  |  

(2020-11-09) Kitron has received an order with a value of more than NOK 20 million from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS.

The order is for the production of RL542A, a core component in the new Flexible High Capacity Radio Link (FHCL), supplied by Kongsberg for the Norwegian Armed Forces.

Deliveries will start in 2021 and continue through 2022. Production will take place at Kitron's plant in Arendal, Norway.

"This order underlines the long and close relationship between Kongsberg and Kitron, and we are very happy to build on this relationship by placing yet another order with Kitron, thus illustrating the value of the Norwegian defence industry cluster," said Pål Bratlie, Executive Vice President Land Systems, Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS.

"This order is strategically important for Kitron. It strengthens our cooperation with Kongsberg and contributes to secure our position in the Defence sector," said Hans Petter Thomassen, Managing Director, Kitron Norway.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Nilsson, President and CEO, tel. +47 948 40 850
Hans Petter Thomassen, Managing Director, Kitron Norway, tel. +47 913 92 360
E-mail: investorrelations@kitron.com 

Kitron is one of Scandinavia's leading electronics manufacturing services companies for the Defence/Aerospace, Energy/Telecoms, Industry, Medical devices and Offshore/Marine sectors. The company is located in Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, China and the United States. Kitron had revenues of about NOK 3.3 billion in 2019 and has about 1 700 employees. www.kitron.com

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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