Konsolidator enters large-scale agreement with PwC Denmark

Udgivet den 08-12-2020  |  kl. 11:37  |  

Company announcement no 21-2020

Søborg, December 8, 2020

Konsolidator enters large-scale agreement with PwC Denmark

Konsolidator has signed an agreement with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) according to which Konsolidator delivers cloud-based consolidation software to PwC Denmark to help preparing and closing the statutory consolidation for PwC Denmark's clients.

This agreement is the first of its kind for Konsolidator. So far, Konsolidator's customer base comprises types of clients who want to simplify their financial consolidation and internal financial reporting, but with this agreement Konsolidator enters a new customer segment. Public accounting firms around the world mainly use Excel spreadsheets when preparing their client's financial consolidation but with Konsolidator the public accounting firms may digitalize their internal processes and, at the same time, increase quality of work and save substantial amounts of cost.

PwC is one of largest public accounting firms in Denmark and one of the four biggest public accounting firms in the world, now substituting manual workflows with digital workflows when it comes to the challenging issues of consolidation.

"From the start of Konsolidator we have been aware of the huge timesaving potential for the public accounting firms, moving from Excel to Konsolidator.", states Jack Skov, CFO and Head of Customer Experience.


About Konsolidator

Konsolidator A/S is a financial consolidation software company whose primary objective is to make Group CFOs around the world better through automated financial consolidation and reporting in the cloud. Created by CFOs and auditors and powered by innovative technology, Konsolidator removes the complexity of financial consolidation and enables the CFO to save time and gain actionable insights based on key performance data to become a vital part of strategic decision-making.

For further information: CEO Claus Finderup Grove, mobile. +45 2095 2988, e-mail: cfg@konsolidator.com

Konsolidator A/S
Tobaksvejen 2 A
2860 Søborg

Certified Adviser
Ernst & Young P/S
Osvald Helmuths Vej 4
2000 Frederiksberg


Company announcement no 21-2020


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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