ClearOne Appoints Chromasound as Distributor in Hungary

Udgivet den 10-12-2020  |  kl. 07:30  |  

SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Addressing further growth in the Eastern European AV markets, ClearOne, ClearOne (NASDAQ: CLRO), a global provider of audio and visual communications solutions, has appointed Chromasound PLC, based in Budapest, Hungary, as its newest distribution partner.

Chromasound is focused on Pro Audio, Lighting, and AV integration in Hungary, known primarily for delivering the finest audio solutions to customers ranging from theatres and concert halls to stadiums for the past two decades. The company will now offer ClearOne's entire portfolio of Audio Conferencing, Visual Collaboration, and AV Networking throughout Hungary.

"This partnership is aimed at bringing our top-quality products to the Hungarian market, using Chromasound's market reach and expertise in AV solutions", said Zee Hakimoglu, ClearOne Chair and CEO.

Imre Makkay, CEO said: "The new distributorship with ClearOne significantly raises the quality level and complexity of our integrated audio and video solutions. We always look for new challenges and are willing to deliver highest quality solutions to our clients. It's good to partner with a market leader in these exciting times in the AV world".

About Chromasound
Chromasound is a light and sound technology company with more than ten years of, providing a high level of commercial and background support to its customers through its extensive expertise. Our company provides a full range of services for any venue, be it a theater, concert hall, clubhouse or house of worship! We strive to achieve the satisfaction of our customers by maintaining a favorable price-value ratio and attentive service. Visit Chromasound

About ClearOne
ClearOne is a global market leader enabling conferencing, collaboration, and network streaming solutions. The performance and simplicity of its advanced, comprehensive solutions offer unprecedented levels of functionality, reliability, and scalability. Visit ClearOne at

Contact: Bob Griffin
  Twitter: @griffin360
  212.481.3456 x16 


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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