GreenMobility receives approvals for admission to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen Main Market and deletion from Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark

Udgivet den 15-12-2020  |  kl. 11:50  |  

Company Announcement no. 75 - 2020
Copenhagen, December 15th, 2020

GreenMobility receives approvals for admission to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen Main Market and deletion from Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark

With reference to company announcement no. 69 dated 7 October 2020 and no. 74 dated 11 December 2020, GreenMobility A/S ("GreenMobility") today announces that it has received the following approvals from Nasdaq Copenhagen regarding:

application for admission of GreenMobility's shares to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen Main Market subject to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority's approval of and subsequent publication by GreenMobility of a listing prospectus.
 application for deletion of GreenMobility's shares from trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark subject to and conditional upon the admission of the Company's shares to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen Main Market following the publication of a listing prospectus.

Following receipt of the above approvals, GreenMobility now confirms the previously announced timetable for the transfer of GreenMobility's shares to Nasdaq Copenhagen's Main Market, which will be as follows:

Publication of a listing prospectus no later than 16 December 2020 before 08:00
 Last day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark on 16 December 2020
 First day of trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen's Main Market on 17 December 2020

Contact and further information

Anders Wall, VP Investor Relations
Tlf: +45 25 40 30 20, e-mail:

Certified Advisor

John Norden
Kongevejen 365, DK-2840 Holte
+45 2072 0200

About GreenMobility
GreenMobility offers modern urbanites easy, flexible and sustainable transport in the form of electric, shared city cars. Users have access to these cars via the GreenMobility app. Trips are paid per-minute, through minute packages or on a daily basis. Today, GreenMobility operates a total of 950 EVs in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Malmö, Gothenburg, Antwerp, Gent and Helsinki. More than 110,000 people have signed up with GreenMobility.

Driven by global megatrends, GreenMobility sees a rapidly growing market for car sharing in large cities that demand green transport for their citizens and aim to reduce the number of private cars. GreenMobility's ambition is to be among the leading global operators of green shared mobility solutions. GreenMobility is admitted for trading on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Denmark.

Important information
This announcement is not a prospectus and does not constitute an offer to subscribe or purchase shares in GreenMobility A/S (the "Company"). The listing prospectus (the "Listing Prospectus") will, when published, be available at the Company's registered office and through the website of the Company. The Listing Prospectus has been prepared for the purpose of the admission to trading and official listing of the shares in GreenMobility on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S ("Nasdaq Copenhagen") in compliance with Danish legislation and regulations, including the Danish Capital Markets Act, the Prospectus Regulation, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 2019/980 of 14 March 2019 as well as Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/979 of 14 March 2019 and Nasdaq Issuer Rules. The Listing Prospectus has been prepared in accordance with the Prospectus Regulation and Annex 1 and Annex 11 to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 2019/980 of 14 March 2019.

The purpose of the Listing Prospectus is solely to have the Listing Shares admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen. No issue or offering of shares is made by the Company or any other person in connection with the publication of the Listing Prospectus. The Listing does not comprise an offer of, an invitation to purchase or subscribe for or a placement of Listing Shares sold, directly or indirectly, in any jurisdiction pursuant to the Listing Prospectus, and the Listing Prospectus may not be used in connection with any offer of Shares or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction.

No offer of Listing Shares has been or will be made in the EU/EEA under the Listing Prospectus and no offer of any securities has been or will be made under the Listing Prospectus in the United States or to U.S. Persons (as such term is defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended).

The Company accepts no liability for any violation of any such restrictions by any person. The Listing Prospectus will not be and may not be distributed or otherwise be made available in any jurisdiction (other than any publication of the Listing Prospectus in accordance with Danish law, rules and regulations). Persons into whose possession the Listing Prospectus comes are required by the Company to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions. 

The distribution of the Listing Prospectus is restricted by law in certain jurisdictions and the Listing Prospectus may not be distributed in or otherwise be made available, the shares may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, directly or indirectly, outside Denmark in any jurisdiction in which such offer or invitation would be unlawful including but not limited to the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan, unless such distribution, offering, sale or exercise is permitted under applicable legislation in the relevant jurisdiction, and the Company receives satisfactory documentation to that effect. Persons into whose possession the Listing Prospectus may come must inform themselves of and observe all such restrictions. The Company does not accept any legal responsibility for any violation of any such restrictions by any person, whether or not such person is a prospective subscriber and acquirer of the Company's shares.


GreenMobility receives approvals for admission to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen Main Market and deletion from Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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