Notice on compulsory acquisition to the shareholders and request for delisting

Udgivet den 19-01-2021  |  kl. 12:52  |  

Company Announcement No. 02/2021

Copenhagen, 19 January 2021

Fidim S.r.l. ("Fidim") has acquired more than 90% of the total share capital and voting rights of Athena Investments A/S ("Athena") following the completion of its voluntary public cash offer dated 19 October 2020 (see Company Announcement No. 22/2020).

Consequently, Fidim is entitled to carry out a compulsory acquisition of the shares held by the remaining shareholders of Athena.

Simultaneously with the initiation of the compulsory acquisition process, an application is made to Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S ("Nasdaq Copenhagen") with a request to remove Athena's shares (ISIN DK0010240514) from trading and official listing at Nasdaq Copenhagen.

Reference is made to the attached notice from Fidim for further information on the compulsory acquisition to the minority shareholders of Athena.



The Board of Directors


Peter Høstgaard-Jensen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tel: +45 40 10 88 71
Francesco Vittori, CEO, Tel.: +45 33 36 42 02


2102_Notice_compulsory_acquisition_and_delisting_request_19_01_21_UK Notice of compulsory acquistion (UK) - Athena Investments


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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