Udgivet den 26-01-2021  |  kl. 12:05  |  

Independent analyst research firm recognizes Intelex for transformative connected EHSQ ecosystem approach and core EHS and Quality Management application strengths

TORONTO, CANADA, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intelex Technologies, ULC, a leading global provider of SaaS-based Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality (EHSQ) management software, today announced it has been classified a Leader by independent analyst firm, Verdantix, in its 2021 Green Quadrant for EHS Software for a fourth consecutive time.

Since first participating in the Green Quadrant EHS Software Report in 2015, Intelex has consistently maintained a strong foothold in the Leaders quadrant. In the 2021 benchmark report, Verdantix recognizes Intelex for its differentiation in expanding from EHSQ software to deliver connected digital ecosystem solutions, highlighting the company's "transformative approach to centralize asset, equipment, and workforce information for real-time data analysis and safety culture improvement". The report further advises that Intelex should be shortlisted by enterprise and mid-market organizations seeking a robust and reliable EHSQ software platform solution, as well as those organizations looking to strengthen IoT integrations and real-time risk analytics. 

"Our analysis finds that the EHS software market has undergone significant transformation due to acquisition-led growth with more than 40 transactions taking place in the last two years." stated Yaowen Ma, Principal Analyst, Verdantix. "As a result, EHS software buyers face a significantly altered and expansive landscape of options from vendors with a larger geographic footprint and stronger product offerings." 

Organizations around the world are going through a time of unprecedented need for worker safety and real-time risk management. EHS professionals are departing from a reactive workplace incident reporting approach to a preventative one. Pandemic response, business continuity, increased worker health and safety complexities, and operational efficiency priorities are driving the demand for a connected, holistic view of real-time risk. As evidenced in the Verdantix Global Corporate Survey 2020: EHS Budgets, Priorities & Tech Preferences, 44% of global EHS leaders report that digitization is a high priority for their organizations, and an additional 36% report that COVID-19 has accelerated digitization efforts. This EHS evolution requires a broad ecosystem of turnkey integrations that assesses data with an advanced analytics engine to deliver real-time risk and prescriptive insights. 

"EHS professionals and the businesses they support are facing a perfect storm of challenges that are forcing EHS programs to evolve faster than ever before," said Justin McElhattan, president of Intelex. "We are honoured by Verdantix's continued recognition of Intelex's ability to help customers reimagine what's possible through the connected, digital interplay of EHSQ technology and ecosystems."

The 2021 EHS software benchmark recognizes Intelex for its strengths in key EHS competencies such as safety, incident management, audits, inspection management, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and sustainability reporting, as well as document control and management of change capabilities. These strengths are well aligned to serve the highest long-term priorities for global EHS leaders, as well as the majority of the ten highest ranking areas of investment in 2021, as reported in the Verdantix global EHS leaders survey. 

To reserve a complimentary copy of the report, visit the Intelex website.

Additional Resources:  

Complimentary Green Quadrant for EHS Software Report 

Verdantix Report:  Intelex Taps IntoFortive to Help EHS Clients Navigate the Emerging IoT Landscape 

Insight Report:  IIoT and the Continuing Evolution of Safety Management Systems 


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About Intelex Technologies, ULC  

Intelex Technologies, ULC is a global leader in environmental, health, safety and quality (EHSQ) management software. Since 1992, Intelex employees across the globe have been committed to innovating and enabling organizations to send their employees home safely every day, leaving behind a more sustainable world to the generations that follow, and manage quality so that only the safest and highest quality products make it to market. Intelex's scalable, web-based platform and applications have helped clients across all industries improve business performance, mitigate organization-wide risk, and ensure sustained compliance with internationally accepted standards (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and OSHAS 18001) and regulatory requirements. Almost 1,400 customers in 195 countries trust Intelex to power their EHSQ initiatives. Headquartered in Toronto with regional offices and employees around the world, Intelex became an Industrial Scientific company in 2019. For more information about Intelex, visit  


Intelex_Reaffirmed_a_Leader_2021_Verdantix Green Quadrant EHS Software


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