Annual General Meeting of Jyske Bank A/S on 23 March 2021

Udgivet den 23-03-2021  |  kl. 16:55  |  

At the Annual General Meeting, the annual report and the financial statements for 2020 were approved.

Motion proposed by the shareholder Foreningen Kritiske Aktionærer (the association of critical shareholders) was abandoned.

The motions proposed by the Supervisory Board, cf. items c (remuneration report), d (remuneration to the Shareholders' and the Supervisory Board) and e (authorisation of acquisition of Jyske Bank shares) of the agenda, were all adopted.

The motions proposed by the Supervisory Board, cf. items f.1 - f.4 (remuneration policy, amendments to the Articles of Association regarding authorisation to issue new shares and election of Supervisory Board members) of the agenda, were all adopted. As the members in general meeting with a right to vote represented less than 90% of the share capital, an extraordinary general meeting will be called for the purpose of final adoption of the motions proposed under items f.2-f.4 as these all concern amendments to the Articles of Association. Notice of the extraordinary general meeting will be given in a separate corporate announcement and will be available at Jyske Bank's website.

Frank Buch-Andersen (Copenhagen), Marie-Louise Pind (Hellerup) and Søren Elmann Ingerslev (Gentofte) were elected as new Shareholders' Representatives. The 30 Shareholders' Representatives who sought re-election were all re-elected.

At the General Meeting, no members were elected to the Bank's Supervisory Board.

In addition, Ernst & Young Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected.

Finally, Philip Baruch and Jens A. Borup resigned from the Supervisory Board as indicated in corporate announcement of 12 January 2021.

At the subsequent meeting of the Shareholders' Representatives, Per Schnack (Holte) and Bente Overgaard (Hellerup) were re-elected to the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board elected Kurt Bligaard Pedersen as its chairman and Keld Norup as its deputy chairman.

Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank

Contact person: Birger Krøgh Nielsen, CFO, tel. +45 89 89 64 44.


Corporate Announcement AGM 20210323


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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