Novo Nordisk A/S - Reduction of the share capital

Udgivet den 27-04-2021  |  kl. 13:14  |  

Bagsværd, Denmark, 27 April 2021 - At Novo Nordisk's Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2021, it was decided to reduce the company's B share capital from DKK 362,512,800 to DKK 354,512,800 by cancellation of part of the company's portfolio of own B shares equal to a nominal value of DKK 8,000,000 divided into 40,000,000 B shares of DKK 0.20 each.

Today, Novo Nordisk has registered the implementation of the reduction of the share capital with the Danish Business Authority and cancelled B shares at a nominal value of DKK 8,000,000. After the reduction of the share capital, the company's share capital is nominally DKK 462,000,000, which is divided into an A share capital of nominally DKK 107,487,200 and a B share capital of nominally DKK 354,512,800.

The reduction of the share capital will not affect Novo Nordisk's share repurchase programme which will continue as previously announced.

Novo Nordisk is a leading global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered in Denmark. Our purpose is to drive change to defeat diabetes and other serious chronic diseases such as obesity and rare blood and endocrine disorders. We do so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines and working to prevent and ultimately cure disease. Novo Nordisk employs about 45,000 people in 80 countries and markets its products in around 170 countries. Novo Nordisk's B shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Novo-B). Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NVO). For more information, visit, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Further information

Mette Kruse Danielsen +45 3079 3883 
Michael Bachner (US) +1 609 664 7308
Daniel Muusmann Bohsen +45 3075 2175
Valdemar Borum Svarrer +45 3079 0301
Ann Søndermølle Rendbæk +45 3075 2253
Mark Joseph Root +45 3079 4211
Kristoffer Due Berg (US) +1 609 235 2989

Company announcement No. 27 / 2021




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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