Beter Bed Holding's M line becomes Official Sleep Supplier of AFC Ajax

Udgivet den 06-05-2021  |  kl. 14:00  |  

AFC Ajax and M line today announced that they have signed a partnership agreement. M line brand, which is part of DBC Nederland (Dutch Bedding Company), a subsidiary of Beter Bed Holding N.V., is a leading supplier of sleep systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The agreement means that M line will be Official Sleep Supplier to the club for four years as of the start of next season. M line will, among other things, work closely with Ajax to promote the importance of a good night's sleep for high performance - be it for elite sportspeople, football fans or the general public alike.

Menno Geelen, Commercial Director at AFC Ajax said: "We're very pleased to welcome M line to our partnership family. Through its partnerships with elite level athletes, sports associations and teams - such as the NOC*NSF (Dutch Olympic Committee*Dutch Sports Federation), the KNVB (the Royal Dutch Football Association) and Team Jumbo-Visma - M line has shown its commitment to the power of sponsoring sport, which is something we're pleased to be a part of. M line will soon be seen on our advertising boards and channels, and we also plan to draw on their knowledge and expertise with respect to sleep, rest and recovery."

Pieter-Bas Stehmann, Managing Director of M line said: "M line and Ajax have a shared ambition to be among the very best in Europe. With our promise of 'Sleep well. Move Better' and our focus on innovation, we're achieving an ever-stronger market position, both at home and internationally. Through this partnership with Ajax, we want to draw attention to the importance of a good night's sleep, including the role that our products can play in achieving this." 

John Kruijssen, CEO of Beter Bed Holding said: "At Beter Bed Holding, we believe that the better we sleep, the happier, healthier and more productive we are. By offering a diverse range of sleeping systems and translating our experience and expertise into advice and solutions, we're proud to help people get the high-quality sleep they need and deserve. Thanks to our innovations and new technologies, we're able to offer even better products, in addition to personalising products by using tools such as data analysis. A good night's sleep is a vital part of a healthy life - something that elite athletes in particular benefit from. We're extremely proud that we'll also be able to supply Ajax with our products in the years to come."

About Beter Bed Holding
Beter Bed Holding N.V. is a sleep specialist operating in the European retail, wholesale and B2B sectors,providing the very best beds and sleep products at affordable prices to matcht he unique needs of every customer.

We believe that the better we sleep, the happier, healthier and more productive we are. And we won't rest until everyone gets the high-quality sleep they deserve.

At year-end 2020, Beter Bed Holding's 151 stores generated revenue of over € 222 million, with approximately 15% share of online revenue.

Beter Bed Holding has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam with security code BBED NL0000339703 since December 1996.

For more information
Press enquiries: Uneke Dekkers / CFF Communications
T +31 (0)20 575 4010 or M +31 (0)6 50261626                                                         


For the PDF of the press release and the image please click on the link under attachment(s).

Press photos can be downloaded here.


Image press release 06-05-2021 press release 06-05-2021


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