Sampo plc: Disclosure Under Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Securities Market Act (BlackRock, Inc.)

Udgivet den 14-05-2021  |  kl. 05:30  |  

SAMPO PLC                STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                14 May 2021 at 8:30 am

Disclosure Under Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Securities Market Act (BlackRock, Inc.)

Sampo plc (business code 0142213-3) has received a disclosure under Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Markets Act, according to which the total number of Sampo A shares (ISIN: FI009003305) owned directly, indirectly or through financial instruments by BlackRock, Inc. (USA tax ID 32-0174421) and its funds increased on 11 May 2021 above five (5) per cent of Sampo plc's total stock.

Sampo's share capital comprises 555,351,850 shares, of which 554,151,850 are A shares and 1,200,000 are B shares. Each A share entitles its holder to one (1) vote and each B share to five (5) votes. Thus, the total number of votes is 560,151,850.

Total positions of BlackRock, Inc and its funds subject to the notification:

  % of shares and voting rights (total of A) % of shares and voting rights through financial instruments (total of B) Total of both in % (A+B)
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached 4.99% shares

Below 5% voting rights
0.05% shares

Below 5% voting rights
5.04% shares

Below 5% voting rights
Positions of previous notification (if applicable) Below 5% shares

Below 5% voting rights
Below 5% shares

Below 5% voting rights
Below 5% shares

Below 5% voting rights

Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed:

A: Shares and voting rights:

Class/type of shares
ISIN code
Number of shares and voting rights % of shares and voting rights
(SMA 9:5)
(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)
(SMA 9:5)
(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)
FI0009003305   27,724,260 shares

Below 5% voting rights
  4.99% shares

Below 5% voting rights
SUBTOTAL A 27,724,260 shares

Below 5% voting rights
4.99% shares

Below 5% voting rights

B: Financial instruments according to SMA 9:6a:

Type of financial
Expiration date Exercise/
Conversion Period
Physical or
cash settlement
Number of shares
and voting rights
% of shares and
voting rights
American Depository Receipt (US79588J1025) N/A N/A Physical 274,318 shares

Below 5% voting rights
0.05% shares

Below 5% voting rights
CFD N/A N/A Cash 953 shares

Below 5% voting rights
0.00% shares

Below 5% voting rights
      SUBTOTAL B 275,271 shares

Below 5% voting rights
0.05% shares

Below 5% voting rights


Maria Silander
Communications Manager, Media Relations
tel. +358 10 516 0031

Nasdaq Helsinki
London stock exchange
The principal media
Financial Supervisory Authority


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