NEXEN TIRE awarded two main prizes at iF Design Awards 2024

Udgivet den 05-03-2024  |  kl. 08:00  |  

Awarded two major prizes "NEXERA" and "NEXUS," as a result of industry-academic collaboration

SEOUL, South Korea, March 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NEXEN TIRE, a leading global tire manufacturer, today announced that two works, NEXERA and NEXUS, have won the main prize in the communication design category of Germany's iF Design Awards 2024.

The works awarded by NEXEN Tire are the result of an industry-academic collaboration with Sejong University and its students from the design innovation major. The visual design works that have been reinterpreted and released are based on NEXEN Tire's design philosophy, Ultimate Sensual, Timeless Movement.

First, NEXERA is a creation that compares the history of NEXEN Tire - which was established in 1942 - to rock stratification (parallel stripes seen in the deposition structure) and summarized it into a book.

NEXUS stands for NEXT with US, which means that individuals, regions, and communities who are the "NEXT" key players will collaborate with NEXEN Tire to shape the future. The brand's design is being used on a variety of products, including eco-bags and office supplies.

The iF International Forum Design GmbH is a long-standing independent design organization based in Hanover, Germany, that annually awards the iF Design Award for the best design results. Around 10,800 entries from 72 countries competed for the award, and the winners were chosen by a 132-member jury made up of experts from each country.

Meanwhile, a NEXEN TIRE representative stated: "We will continue to create creative results through various projects such as industry-academic collaborations to promote differentiated design philosophy."


NEXEN TIRE, founded in 1942, is a global tire manufacturer based in South Korea. NEXEN TIRE, one of the world's fastest growing tire manufacturers, currently works with 150 countries and owns four manufacturing plants, two in Korea (Yangsan and Changnyeong) and one in Qingdao, China. In 2019, another plant in Žatec, Czech Republic, went into operation. NEXEN TIRE manufactures tires with advanced technology and design excellence for passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks. NEXEN TIRE supplies original equipment tires to global automakers in a variety of countries around the world. For the first time among the various tire manufacturers in the world, the company achieved a grand slam of the world's top four design awards in 2014. For more information, please visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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