Scatec ASA: Jørgen Kildahl proposed as Chair of the Board, John Andersen steps down

Udgivet den 26-03-2024  |  kl. 07:30  |  

26 March 2024, Oslo: Scatec ASA's Nomination Committee has proposed Jørgen Kildahl to be appointed Chair of the Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024, after long-serving Chair John Andersen has notified the Committee that he has decided to step down.

John Andersen will remain Chair until the AGM, which will be held on 18 April.

Jørgen Kildahl joined Scatec's Board in 2021 and has been a member of the Audit and Sustainability Committee. He has extensive leadership experience from the energy sector, including five years as EVP in E.ON SE and 11 years in Statkraft AS, whereof six years as CEO of Statkraft Energi AS. He has also served on the boards of Ørsted AS and Telenor.

John Andersen said: "After 10 years as Chair, I have decided not to stand for re-election. It has been a privilege to lead the company as Chair, working closely with the other Board members and management. Jørgen Kildahl is a seasoned board executive and industry expert with a passion for Scatec. He is supported by a Board that possesses strong industrial and financial competence, and the company will be in good hands going forward."

The Nomination Committee also proposes re-election for a two-year term for Maria Moræus Hanssen, Espen Gundersen and Mette Krogsrud of the Scatec ASA Board, while Gisele Marchand has decided to step down, after seven years in the Board, with effect from the AGM. The Nomination Committee proposes to elect Maria Tallaksen and Pål Kildemo as new Board members, each for a two-year term. Morten Henriksen is elected until 2025 and will continue in his board role. Please refer to the company's web site for the full details on the proposals from the Nomination Committee, including the profiles of the new Board members.


Investor Relations: Andreas Austrell, VP IR, +47 974 38 686, andreas.austrell@scatec.comMedia: Meera Bhatia, SVP External Affairs & Communications, +47 468 44 959, Chair of the Board John Andersen, +47 90 17 40 80Chair of the Nomination Committee, Kristine Ryssdal,

About Scatec  
Scatec is a leading renewable energy solutions provider, accelerating access to reliable and affordable clean energy emerging markets. As a long-term player, we develop, build, own, and operate renewable energy plants, with 4.6 GW in operation and under construction across four continents today. We are committed to grow our renewable energy capacity, delivered by our passionate employees and partners who are driven by a common vision of 'Improving our Future'. Scatec is headquartered in Oslo, Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol 'SCATC'. To learn more, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn.  

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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