NEXEN TIRE wins Red Dot Design Award 2024 in product design category

Udgivet den 15-04-2024  |  kl. 07:00  |  

SEOUL, South Korea, April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  NEXEN TIRE, a leading global tire manufacturer, today announced that its N'FERA SPORT S tires won the main prize in the product design category of Germany's Red Dot Design Award 2024.

The Red Dot Design Award is an internationally recognized design competition organized by the Design Zentrium Nordhein Westfalen of Germany. It is regarded as one of the top three global design awards, alongside the IDEA Design Awards in the United States and the iF Design Awards in Germany.

The award-winning N'FERA SPORT S is a high-performance premium tire designed for dynamic high-speed driving, with outstanding durability, handling, and braking performance.

The design is optimized for the performance balance between dry and wet road surfaces using 3+1 grooves - thick vertical grooves on tire surfaces - to avoid aquaplaning and maximize dry road surface grip.

In addition, for agile handling, the stiffness of the shoulder in the outer part where load and ground are concentrated was enhanced, and high-speed steering was improved by using a wide center block. A driving direction groove chamfer (tire block corner slide design) was used to reduce abnormal wear and improve wet performance.

The use of left and right multi-treads improves high-speed durability and braking performance while also providing stable high-speed handling. Such driving performance was validated by rigorous tests at Germany's Nürburgring, a notoriously difficult driving course.

Meanwhile, the HN Replacement mark, which represents the only Korean tire company to obtain tire technology certification for replacement exclusively for the Hyundai N Brand, was imprinted on the sidewall.

We are pleased to have won one of the world's top three design awards, demonstrating NEXEN Tire's design competitiveness, said a NEXEN Tire representative. We will continue to increase brand value through NEXEN Tire's unique design.


NEXEN TIRE, founded in 1942, is a global tire manufacturer based in South Korea. NEXEN TIRE, one of the world's fastest growing tire manufacturers, currently works with 150 countries and owns four manufacturing plants, two in Korea (Yangsan and Changnyeong) and one in Qingdao, China. In 2019, another plant in Žatec, Czech Republic, went into operation. NEXEN TIRE manufactures tires with advanced technology and design excellence for passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks. NEXEN TIRE supplies original equipment tires to global automakers in a variety of countries around the world. For the first time among the various tire manufacturers in the world, the company achieved a grand slam of the world's top four design awards in 2014. For more information, please visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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