JLT Mobile Computers AB (publ) publishes interim report for January-March 2024

Udgivet den 07-05-2024  |  kl. 11:00  |  

Växjö, Sweden, 7 May 2024 * * * JLT Mobile Computers, a leading supplier of rugged computers for demanding environments, publishes its interim report for the period January-March 2024 today.

Summary of key figures

Order intake 33.7 MSEK (34.0)Net sales 37.7 MSEK (49.9)Operating profit 0.8 MSEK (2.6)Profit after taxes 0.5 MSEK (2.2)

In short

The order intake for the first quarter ended at 34 million SEK, the same level as the first quarter of the previous year.Continued weak demand in target markets, especially transportation and logistics segments, impacted the revenue negatively during the first quarter. Lower demand in transportation and logistics was partially offset by strong activity from OEM customers in agriculture, construction, and port customers.To adapt the operations to the prevailing economic situation, cost-saving measures have been implemented and began yielding results during the quarter.JLT secured a significant order worth nearly 6 million SEK for the rugged Android computer JLT6012A.JLT remains committed to advancing JLT Insights™, our business intelligence solution. By integrating complementary software solutions with our computers, we create unique value for customers and maintain competitiveness in the market.Since the beginning of the year, we've successfully decreased inventory by 4 million SEK, and we'll continue these efforts throughout the year.JLT is well-positioned for a market recovery as the operations has been adjusted to the current market situation while staying focused on delivering on strategic initiatives.

The full interim report is attached to this press release and available for download at the company's website, jltmobile.com. Additional financial information is available online on JLT's investor pages.

This information is information that JLT Mobile Computers AB (pub) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at 1:00 pm CET on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

Reader Enquiries

JLT Mobile Computers Group
Certified Adviser
Per Holmberg, CEO Eminova Fondkommission AB
Tel.: +46 70 361 3934 Tel.: +46 08 684 211 10

About JLT Mobile Computers

Reliable performance, less hassle. JLT Mobile Computers is a leading supplier of rugged mobile computing devices and solutions for demanding environments. Almost 30 years of development and manufacturing experience have enabled us to set the standard in rugged computing, combining outstanding product quality with expert service, support and solutions to ensure trouble-free business operations for customers in warehousing, transportation, manufacturing, mining, ports and agriculture. JLT operates globally from offices in Sweden, France, and the US, complemented by an extensive network of sales partners in local markets. The company was founded in 1994, and the share has been listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market stock exchange since 2002 under the symbol JLT. Eminova Fondkommission AB acts as Certified Adviser. Learn more at jltmobile.com.



Interim report January-March, 2024


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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