Boyden Greece & Cyprus Expands its Operations in Malta, with Vassilis Trochalidis to Lead the Maltese Office

Udgivet den 23-05-2024  |  kl. 05:00  |  

Firm answers the call of multinational and local organizations in need of C-suite business leaders

VALLETTA, Malta, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boyden, a premier talent and leadership advisory firm, is delighted to announce the launch of its operations in Malta, led by newly appointed Vassilis Trochalidis, an established business leader in Malta, who joins the firm as a Partner.

This new market becomes part of Boyden's Greece & Cyprus fast-growing regional business, now Greece-Cyprus-Malta, creating a strong network between Greece and the two island countries of the Mediterranean. The arrival in Malta of a global executive search firm specialising in board and c-suite appointments heralds the next stage of growth for both local and international organisations.

Alexander Lamnidis, Managing Partner, Boyden Greece-Cyprus-Malta, comments," In an economy with robust exports and domestic demand, a number of our clients have strong Maltese interests. We have now answered their need for on-the-ground, C-suite and senior level executive search expertise, with local knowledge backed by a regional and global network of sector and leadership specialists. We are delighted to welcome Vassilis Trochalidis, who has an impressive reputation as a senior business leader, board member and CEO mentor in Malta."

Vassilis Trochalidis has a distinguished track record in Malta, most recently as CEO of Celestar Malta Ltd. He has held leadership roles in tech and telecoms, including CEO of Bit8 Ltd and C-level positions at Cosmote Mobile Telecommunications, now part of Deutsche Telecom. Vassilis holds a Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Malta is thriving as a hub for hospitality and conferences, healthcare, pharma, technology, aerospace, real estate and retail organisations. Tech-driven companies in gaming and payments as well as electronic money institutes (EMIs) benefit from a digitally savvy population. Boyden has historically served clients from its global footprint and will now combine local expertise with sector specialisation and C-suite functional leadership, providing clients in Malta with the full global resources of the firm.

About Boyden

Boyden is a premier leadership and talent advisory firm with more than 70 offices in over 45 countries. Our global reach enables us to serve client needs anywhere they conduct business. We connect great companies with great leaders through executive search, interim management and leadership consulting solutions. Boyden is ranked amongst the top companies on Forbes' Americas Best Executive Recruiting Firms for 2024. For further information, visit

About Boyden Greece-Cyprus-Malta

Boyden Greece-Cyprus-Malta is a young and vibrant leadership and talent advisory firm based in Greece and currently expanding to Malta and Cyprus. Our partner's expertise enables us to serve client needs across industries providing high quality service, tailor-made to each client's need. Boyden Greece-Cyprus-Malta is rising fast in the world of Executive Recruiting, achieving very high grades in customer satisfaction.
For further information, visit Executive Search in Greece and Cyprus - Boyden


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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