Progress on cosmetics plant project: completion of the basic engineering phase and success of the related test campaign

Udgivet den 29-05-2024  |  kl. 15:45  |  


Progress on cosmetics plant project: completion of the basic engineering phase and success of the related test campaign

Evry, 29 May 2024 - 05:45 p.m.: Global Bioenergies has successfully completed the basic engineering phase of its plant project dedicated to the cosmetics markets whose commissioning is scheduled for mid-2027.

The engineering work carried out as part of the basic engineering has precisely defined the each of the units that will enable the fully integrated production of cosmetic-grade isobutene derivatives. It also confirms the project schedule and the nominal CAPEX of 65 million euros (i.e. a maximum CAPEX of 80 million euros taking into account contingencies).

Roland Desvignes, Industrial Director of Global Bioenergies, explains: "Two engineering firms have been mandated, the first to handle the biological side, and the second the part dedicated to green chemistry. Their respective expertise gives us a very good vision of the plant's blueprints. We are now ready to shortly launch the next step: the front end engineering design."

At the same time, process validation tests under conditions mimicking those of the future plant were successfully carried out. These tests were conducted hand in hand with fermentation specialist ARD at Global Bioenergies' facilities in Pomacle-Bazancourt.

Frédéric Ollivier, CTO of Global Bioenergies, comments: "The success of these tests confirms the robustness of our process. They consolidate our business plan and the projected high profitability of the plant."


Global Bioenergies' plant project

Target market: Cosmetics Priming of the Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) marketCapacity: 2,500 t/yr of isobutene derivatives Projections: Revenue of over €70m/year covered by Letters of Intent (LOIs) • Schedule: Commissioning mid-2027


Global Bioenergies substitutes products of fossil origin with products of natural origin. In their quest for naturalness without compromising on performance, the cosmetics players are the Company's first customers. By 2027, the Company will be operating its innovative process in a large-scale plant. By 2030, the Company plans to become a leader in the huge emerging market for sustainable aviation fuels, in order to fight against global warming. Global Bioenergies is listed on Euronext Growth in Paris (FR0011052257 - ALGBE). L'Oréal is its largest shareholder, with a 13.5% stake.



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Global Bioenergies_Completion of basic engineering _290524_EN.docx


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