European Bioplastics elects new Board with Mariagiovanna Vetere and Franz Kraus elected as Co-Chairs

Udgivet den 06-06-2024  |  kl. 09:43  |  

BRUSSELS, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the interests of the bioplastics industry in Europe, has elected a new Board during its General Assembly on 4 June.

For the next two years, the EUBP leadership team will be headed by Co-Chairs Mariagiovanna Vetere (Natureworks) and Franz Kraus (Novamont), and supported by the new Vice-Chair, Afsaneh Nabifar (BASF). Andy Sweetman (Futamura), Frédéric Van Gansberghe (Futerro), Myriam Moeyersons (Ingevity), Robert Mack (Kimberly-Clark), Jack McKeivor (TotalEnergies Corbion) and Erwin Lepoudre (Kaneka) are also members of the new Board, with the latter serving as the Treasurer.

This is the first time in EUBP's history that a board elects two Co-Chairs to lead the association. Mariagiovanna Vetere and Franz Kraus were already chairing EUBP together in the last months.

From left to right: Andy Sweetman (Futamura), Frédéric Van Gansberghe (Futerro), Erwin Lepoudre (Kaneka), Jack McKeivor (TotalEnergies Corbion), Myriam Moeyersons (Ingevity), Robert Mack (Kimberly-Clark), Afsaneh Nabifar (BASF), Franz Kraus (Novamont) and Mariagiovanna Vetere (Natureworks).

"This year is a year of tremendous change. Externally, the stage for a more resilient and sustainable Europe will be set by a new Parliament to be elected this weekend and a new Commission to start its mandate before the year is over. Internally, we will continue on the transformative journey which we had started last year, with a new office opened in Brussels, a new team and a new corporate identity. We are at a crossroads, and I am delighted to help guide the association in these exciting times that hold both challenges and opportunities," says Franz Kraus, Co-Chair of European Bioplastics.
"I have been involved in the Board of EUBP for eleven years. My passion and dedication for this industry has increased continuously, and now, more than ever before, we witness a shift in mindset. The bioeconomy is finally being part of conversations at the highest political level, and EUBP is willing to drive the growth of the bioplastics sector in Europe. I am thrilled to be re-elected as Co-Chair of EUBP, where I hope to continue to inspire and lead the change," said Mariagiovanna Vetere, Co-Chair of EUBP.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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