HieFo's Indium Phosphide Fab in Alhambra, California Resumes Production

Udgivet den 26-08-2024  |  kl. 13:00  |  

ALHAMBRA, Calif., Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HieFo Corporation, a US-based manufacturer of photonic devices for the optical communications and sensing industries, is pleased to announce the resumption of production of its InP wafer fab facility located in Alhambra, California on August 23rd, 2024.

HieFo's creation began with the recent management buyout (MBO) of wafer fab and chip-related assets from EMCORE Corporation. HieFo acquired the assets and started operations in early May 2024. By acquiring these assets and hiring original key scientists, engineers, and the operations team, HieFo inherited more than four decades of best-in-class InP chip design, manufacturing expertise and the intellectual properties of a multitude of advanced optoelectronic devices.

While under EMCORE ownership, normal fab operation was temporarily idled as part of EMCORE's plan to discontinue the InP chips business unit. Under the leadership of this highly experienced core team and bolstered by strong financial backing, HieFo has swiftly resumed operations at the Alhambra campus. Over the past three months, the team has been working diligently to bring up the idled equipment, run epi wafer growth and regrowth from multiple MOCVD reactors, restart front-end micro-fabrication process through the line, and establish device testing, die preparation and separation processes in the back end. The InP based devices (lasers, gain chips, SOAs, PIN/APD detectors) produced from the resumed operations, have also passed reliability validation testing, thus ensuring that all original performance, quality and reliability standards will be met or exceeded. Among the devices that are ready for volume production, a new chip design that can support 1.6 TB/s single-carrier wavelength transceivers. Several leading optical module manufacturers have started placing orders with HieFo for its high-efficiency optical devices. This accomplishment represents a significant milestone in HieFo's mission to deliver innovative solutions in the telecom, datacom, and AI connectivity industries.

"We are thrilled to announce the resumption of our optical devices production at the Alhambra facility," said Genzao Zhang, CEO of HieFo Corporation. "This is a strong testament to HieFo's dedication and commitment to maintaining continuity and excellence in the production of high-performance optical chips."

HieFo Corporation is a leading provider of advanced optoelectronic solutions for the telecom, datacom, and AI connectivity industries. With a strong legacy inherited from EMCORE Corporation, HieFo is dedicated to delivering innovative and disruptive technologies that enhance global communication networks.

For media contact, please contact info@hiefo.com.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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