Industry leaders to speak at Wood Mackenzie's Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference 2024

Udgivet den 17-09-2024  |  kl. 11:00  |  

                                                                                PRESS RELEASE

Industry leaders to speak at Wood Mackenzie's Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference 2024

Join executives from ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions, Dow, Talos and Chevron New Energies as event covers the CCUS value chain through opportunities, risks and economic viability trends

LONDON/HOUSTON/SINGAPORE, 17 September 2024 - Momentum for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is growing as a buoyant project pipeline is attracting attention from leading companies, but CCUS deployment remains well below what is required for achieving the net zero goals.

Join Wood Mackenzie's expert analysts, as well as leaders from across the energy, natural resources and CCUS industries, as they address the full CCUS value chain and how companies can start moving from plans to execution at the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference 2024 in Houston October 9-10.

As well as exclusive presentations from Wood Mackenzie experts and a top-tier speaker line-up, including representatives from ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions, Talos Energy, Dow and Chevron New Energies, the conference provides the opportunity to connect with key leaders and stakeholders in the CCUS industry and network with industry professionals and experts from across the value chain.

Key themes on the agenda include:

From plans to execution: What would it take to accelerate CCUS deployment?Funding CCUS projects: How to get investment decisionsGlobal CCUS market: The past, present and futuristic viewCO2 storage: Can we access enough storage to meet targets?Is widespread, global CCUS inevitable? If so, why is the world under-investing?

The Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference 2024 will hear from leading experts from across the industry.

Leading experts include:Mhairidh Evans, Head of CCUS Research, Wood Mackenzie Joe Colletti, USGC CCUS Venture Executive, ExxonMobil Low Carbon SolutionsEdward Stones, Business Vice President, Energy Climate, DowEd Crooks, Vice-Chair Americas, Wood Mackenzie Peter Findlay, CCUS Economics and CCUS North America Lead, Wood MackenzieMartha Ramos, Director CCUS and H2, CEMEX USARenee Morales, Director, Talos EnergyNuomin Han, Head of Carbon Markets, Wood MackenzieJennifer Stewart, Director Climate Policy, American Petroleum InstituteAdam Chalkley, Director Low Carbon Development, EnbridgeOlivia Woodruff, Director Decarbonization, KimmeridgeDavid Tatum, Commercial Manager, Chevron New EnergiesLauren Read, Vice President, BKV Corporation

To reserve your place at Wood Mackenzie's Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference 2024, please click on this link.


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Kevin Baxter
+44 330 124 9400

Mark Thomton
+1 630 881 6885

Hla Myat Mon
+65 8533 8860 

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Wood Mackenzie is the global insight business for renewables, energy and natural resources. Driven by data. Powered by people. In the middle of an energy revolution, businesses and governments need reliable and actionable insight to lead the transition to a sustainable future. That's why we cover the entire supply chain with unparalleled breadth and depth, backed by over 50 years' experience in natural resources. Today, our team of over 2,000 experts operate across 30 global locations, inspiring customers' decisions through real-time analytics, consultancy, events and thought leadership. Together, we deliver the insight they need to separate risk from opportunity and make bold decisions when it matters most. For more information, visit


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