Financière de Tubize - Transparency notification

Udgivet den 20-09-2024  |  kl. 06:00  |  

Publication concerning a transparency notification
(article 14, first paragraph of the law of 2 May 2007 concerning the publication of significant participating interests)

Press release - Regulated information

Brussels, 20 September 2024 - 8:00 CET

Summary of the notification
Financière de Tubize has received a transparency notification dated 17 September 2024, as a result of which, on 1 August 2024, Barnfin SA acquired 11,744 shares from Jonkheer van Rijckevorsel, which consequently leaves the concert consisting of FEJ SRL, Baron Daniel Janssen, Altaï Invest (company controlled by Mrs Evelyn du Monceau), and Barnfin SA (non-controlled company). This has no impact on the number of shares held in the concert party, which remains unchanged.
As a result of this acquisition, Barnfin SA was restructured and is no longer controlled by any natural or legal person.

Content of the notification

Reason for the notification Entering into or amending an agreement of acting in concertAcquisition or disposal of control of an undertaking which holds a stake in an issuerAcquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights
Notification by People acting in concert
Person subject to notification FEJ SRL,Baron Daniel Janssen,Altaï Invest SA and Countess Evelyn du Monceau,Barnfin SA
Transaction date 01/08/2024
Threshold crossed None

Denominator 44,512,598

  Voting rights in concert
Notification details Previous notification Before the transaction After the transaction
  Nbr of shares % Nbr of shares % Nbr of shares %
FEJ SRL 8.525.014 19,15% 8.525.014 19,15% 8.525.014 19,15%
Daniel Janssen 5.881.677 13,21% 5.881.677 13,21% 5.881.677 13,21%
Altaï Invest SA 4.918.595 11,05% 4.969.795 11,16% 4.969.795 11,16%
Barnfin SA 3.852.633 8,66% 3.903.835 8,77% 3.915.579 8,80%
Jean Van Rijckevorsel 7.744 0,02% 11.744 0,03% - -
Total 23.185.663 52,09%     23.292.065 52,33%     23.292.065 52,33%

Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held Financière de Tubize is not subject to de jure exclusive control or joint control within the meaning of the Companies and Associations Code. However, more than 50% of its capital is held by:

a)   FEJ SRL,
b)   Baron Daniel Janssen,
c)   Altaï Invest SA, controlled by the Countess Evelyn du Monceau.
d)   Barnfin SA, not controlled,

They act in concert.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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