Intesa Sanpaolo is the World's Leading Bank for Diversity and Inclusion in the 2024 "Ftse Diversity & Inclusion Index - Top 100"

Udgivet den 23-09-2024  |  kl. 13:30  |  

Ranking seventh globally among the top 100 companies, Intesa Sanpaolo is the only Italian bank in the FTSE Russell index

MILAN and TURIN, Italy, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intesa Sanpaolo has been ranked the world's leading bank among the 100 most inclusive and diversity-sensitive workplaces in the FTSE Diversity & Inclusion Index - Top 100, the FTSE Russel (formerly Refinitiv) international index. The Group ranks seventh globally among all companies, and is the leading banking group worldwide as well as the only Italian bank in the index.

The analysis by FTSE Russell assesses more than 15,500 listed companies worldwide, using 24 parameters that fall into four key categories: gender diversity, inclusion, people development and controversies. FTSE Russell is a leading global provider of benchmarking, analytics and data solutions.

Inclusion in the FTSE Diversity & Inclusion Index - Top 100 underlines the commitment of Intesa Sanpaolo, led by CEO Carlo Messina, to promoting diversity and inclusion as essential components for growth. It also reflects the Group's commitment to promoting an inclusive workplace, that welcomes and values all forms of diversity, supported by a process of continuous measurement, evaluation and enrichment of the results obtained.

"Society, the business world, and especially the banking sector are experiencing rapid, transformative changes driven by new technologies.

"At Intesa Sanpaolo, we believe that the human factor - the talent and dedication of our people - is more important than ever to face these new realities. That's why we invest significant effort, resources, and innovative programs in our employees, aimed at building a bank that nurtures the best talents with a focus on inclusivity and appreciation for the richness of human capital in terms of gender and other forms of diversity.

"This recognition from such a prestigious index is both an honor and an encouragement to keep advancing in this direction."

Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo

Media Relations Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo
Intesa Sanpaolo, with over €422 billion in loans and €1.35 trillion in customer financial assets at the end of June 2024, is the largest banking group in Italy, with a significant international presence. It is a European leader in wealth management, with a strong focus on digital and fintech. The Group will provide €115 billion of Impact lending by 2025 to support communities and the green transition, together with a €1.5 billion program (2023-2027) to help people in need. The Bank's network of museums, the Gallerie d'Italia, hosts its owned artistic heritage and cultural projects of recognized value.

X: @intesasanpaolo

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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