MT Højgaard Holding A/S: Rasmus Untidt appointed CEO of MT Højgaard Holding

Udgivet den 25-09-2024  |  kl. 12:40  |  

The Board of Directors of MT Højgaard Holding has effective 25 September 2024 appointed current CFO Rasmus Untidt as CEO. Rasmus Untidt replaces Steffen Baungaard whom will be available in a transition period. The Executive Board of MT Højgaard Holding is hereafter comprised of Rasmus Untidt.

Rasmus Untidt joined the group in 2014 as responsible for strategy and business development, and he became part of group management in April 2022 as Chief Strategy Officer. In December 2022, his areas of responsibility were expanded to include finance when he was appointed CFO and member of the Executive Board from where he has contributed to define the strategic and financial framework for the group's long-term development. He is a board member of all significant group companies.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Carsten Dilling, says: "We are proud to recruit the next CEO from our own ranks and ensure continuity with Rasmus heading the holding company and focusing on developing the portfolio and managing financial risks. Rasmus has strong strategic and financial competencies, great leadership skills and deep knowledge of the group. He is committed to establishing the best framework for the management teams in our business units, enabling us to generate value for shareholders, customers and partners. On the Executive Board, Rasmus has delivered convincing results, making us very comfortable - and pleased with - handing over the reins to him."

The Board of Directors extends its appreciation with Steffen Baungaard's efforts in MT Højgaard Holding since March 2021, initially as a member of the Board of Directors and as group CEO from November 2023.

"On the Board of Directors, Steffen played a key role in the strategic process preceding the decision to wind down the international activities and focus 100% on our profitable Danish core business. It was obvious to have Steffen step in as CEO last year to follow this decision through, and the winding down of the international business has now progressed to a stage where he can step down with a clean conscience," says Carsten Dilling.

Rasmus Untidt's responsibilities within finance are assumed by current Head of Group Finance, Dennis Nørgaard, who is appointed CFO and has 15 years of experience with reporting, controlling and financial management from project-intensive listed companies in particular.

Chairman of the Board of Directors Carsten Dilling and CEO Rasmus Untidt can be contacted by phone +45 31 21 68 72.




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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