Ingredion to Release 2024 Third Quarter Financial Results on November 5, 2024

Udgivet den 15-10-2024  |  kl. 20:05  |  

WESTCHESTER, Ill., Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), a leading global provider of ingredient solutions to the food manufacturing industry, will release its 2024 third quarter financial results for the period ended September 30, 2024, before the market opens Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Jim Zallie, president and chief executive officer and Jim Gray, executive vice president and chief financial officer, will host a conference call November 5th at 8 a.m. CT to discuss the Company's financial performance. The conference call and accompanying slide presentation will be webcast live at Participants are encouraged to log on to the webcast approximately 10 minutes before the start of the presentation. A replay of the presentation will be available on the Company's website.

Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), headquartered in the suburbs of Chicago, is a leading global ingredient solutions provider serving customers in nearly 120 countries. With 2023 annual net sales of approximately $8 billion, the Company turns grains, fruits, vegetables and other plant-based materials into value-added ingredient solutions for the food, beverage, animal nutrition, brewing and industrial markets. With Ingredion Idea Labs® innovation centers located around the world and more than 12,000 employees, the Company co-creates with customers and fulfills its purpose of bringing the potential of people, nature, and technology together to make life better. Visit for more information and the latest Company news.

Investors: Noah Weiss, 773-896-5242
Media: Rick Wion, 708-209-6323


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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