2024 Guangxi Culture and Tourism Development Conference to Commence Soon

Udgivet den 07-11-2024  |  kl. 13:20  |  

WUZHOU, China, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 2024 Guangxi Culture and Tourism Development Conference will be held by Wuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism in Wuzhou from November 12 to 14.

The conference, themed Promoting Wuzhou as a Historic Lingnan Cultural City and Accelerating Guangxi's Development as a Leading Culture and Tourism Hub, will feature a 1+6+5 series: one main conference, six supporting conference activities, and five ongoing cultural, tourism, and sports events held in Wuzhou.

The conference will bring together over 150 domestic and international companies, aiming to attract more high-quality culture and tourism projects to Guangxi.

Wuzhou, the host city of the conference, is located close to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which is a birthplace of both Lingnan and Cantonese cultures. Wuzhou is actively advancing three tourism economic belts, positioning itself as a hub to expand these initiatives throughout Guangxi.

Wuzhou, with its long history, is a city deeply ingrained in tea culture. The Liubao tea produced here is one of China's famous black teas. Liubao tea culture tourism has become a hotspot, attracting a large number of visitors who come to Cangwu County's Liubao Town, the origin of Liubao tea, to explore the ancient tea trade routes and trace the development history of Liubao tea. It has propelled Wuzhou's cultural and tourism industry to a new level.

Source: Wuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism


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