Apica Acquires Orson to Transform Enterprise Test Data Management

Udgivet den 20-11-2024  |  kl. 13:00  |  

STOCKHOLM and EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Nov. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Apica, the intelligent data management platform, today announced the acquisition of Orson, an innovative test data orchestration platform. This strategic acquisition strengthens Apica's position in the DevOps marketplace by combining industry-leading synthetic monitoring capabilities with advanced test data orchestration, enabling organizations to build more robust monitoring scenarios through accelerated data variety generation.

The acquisition combines Apica's data management expertise in synthetic monitoring and observability with Orson's advanced test data orchestration capabilities. This integration enables teams to self-service generate comprehensive test data sets derived from production patterns while maintaining compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR. Organizations can now create high-quality, high-cardinality test data that maintains the complexity and relationships of production data while ensuring compliance and privacy.

This acquisition represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide enterprises with comprehensive testing and monitoring solutions, said Ranjan Parthasarathy, CTO/CPO, at Apica. Combining Apica's synthetic monitoring expertise with Orson's intelligent test data capabilities enables organizations to create more comprehensive and reliable monitoring scenarios that better reflect real-world conditions.

Key capabilities of the combined solution include:

Automated test coverage calculation and intelligent data generationEnhanced synthetic monitoring with diverse, production-like test dataSelf-service test data generation with high coverage and cardinalityGitOps-friendly test data management integrated with CI/CD pipelinesReduced non-production data footprint through masked, production-sourced dataGDPR-compliant synthetic data generation maintaining data relationships

Benefits for Organizations:

Create more robust synthetic monitoring scenarios that catch issues before they impact productionReduce manual testing efforts by up to 50%Reduce data storage costs of non-production data by up to 50%Accelerate development cycles through automated test data managementEnable continuous testing through native CI/CD pipeline integrationMinimize data privacy risks while maintaining comprehensive test coverageVersion-control test data specifications alongside application code

Both companies' customers and partners will continue to receive uninterrupted support while gaining access to an expanded set of capabilities through the combined platform.

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About Apica

Apica offers a unified platform to remove the complexity and cost associated with data management. You collect, control, store, and observe your operational data and can quickly identify and resolve performance issues before they impact the end user. Apica Ascent swiftly analyzes operational data in real time, enabling prompt issue resolution. Automated root cause analysis powered by machine learning streamlines troubleshooting in complex distributed systems. For more information, visit www.apica.io.

Media Contact:

Ben Jolley


(801) 592-0806


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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