Made In Nature, Organic Gifts Under the Tree: A Loving Gesture for People and the Planet

Udgivet den 23-12-2024  |  kl. 16:51  |  

Christmas is approaching, and with it the desire to surprise those we love with authentic and meaningful gifts. This year, Made in Nature, the project that promotes European organic fruit and vegetables in Italy, France, Germany and Denmark, invites everyone to put a special gift under the tree: the health, taste and sustainability of organic fruit and vegetables.

FERRARA, Italy, Dec. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Choosing to give organic fruit and vegetables as a gift is a gesture of affection, an act of care for the one receiving it and for the planet. Organic fruit and vegetables, grown according to high standards and strict European regulations, are the perfect gift to convey a message of love and care for loved ones. But why give organic fruit and vegetables as a gift?

A gift that is good for you: Rich in essential nutrients, organic products are valuable allies for everyday health and well-being and are the ideal choice for improving public health and reducing the incidence of diseases linked to an unbalanced diet. They are grown without chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilisers; moreover, organic farming excludes the use of GMOs, guaranteeing more natural products.

A sustainable gift: Organic farming respects nature, promotes biodiversity and reduces environmental impact, making every organic choice a gesture of love for the future. Organic techniques reduce soil, water and air pollution, helping to preserve natural resources and protect biodiversity by respecting naturally occurring ecosystems.

An authentic gift: Organic, naturally grown produce offers an intense and unique taste. It is the genuine flavour and unmistakable quality of Italian organic fruit and vegetables that turn every bite into a moment of celebration.

Made in Nature is the project funded by the European Union and CSO Italy to promote European organic products. The three-year communication project also sees the participation of some Italian companies: Brio, Canova, Ceradini, Conserve Italia, Orogel and Veritas Bio frutta. With its dedication to quality, sustainability and health, Made in Nature is the reference point for those who want to choose the best for their table and the planet.

Promoting the consumption of organic produce encourages a transition to farming practices that meet the standards of the European From Farm to Fork strategy, a key pillar of the European Green Deal. Giving the gift of organic fruit and vegetables is a concrete gesture to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system that is fairer for farmers, healthier for consumers and kinder to the environment. This Christmas, choose to make a difference: give organic fruit and vegetables!

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SEC Newgate Italia 335 6839561 340 0010762

Finanziato dall'Unione europea. Le opinioni espresse appartengono tuttavia al solo o ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni dell'Unione europea o dell'Agenzia esecutiva europea per la ricerca (REA). Né l'Unione europea né l'amministrazione erogatrice possono esserne ritenute responsabili.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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