Intesa Sanpaolo is the Eurozone's most valuable bank

Udgivet den 30-12-2024  |  kl. 20:29  |  

MILAN, Dec. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intesa Sanpaolo is the eurozone's top bank by market capitalization, reaching €69 billion at the end of 2024.

On the last trading day of the year on the Milan Stock Exchange, Intesa Sanpaolo decisively outpaced BNP Paribas, at €66 billion, and Santander, at €67 billion.

Furthermore, Intesa Sanpaolo's price-to-book ratio is higher than that of major global groups such as HSBC and UBS, further reinforcing its leadership position.

Looking ahead to 2025: With net income guidance for 2025 revised upward to €9 billion, Intesa Sanpaolo is gearing up for a pivotal year under the leadership of Chairman Gian Maria Gros-Pietro and CEO Carlo Messina.

The year 2025 marks the conclusion of the four-year business plan launched in 2022, and in the Spring, shareholders will elect a new Board of Directors.

A look back over the past 10 years:

* Intesa Sanpaolo's total shareholder return grew +213% over the past 10 years, leading the eurozone in terms of the growth in share value plus dividend distributions.
* Over the same period, Intesa Sanpaolo's share price rose 115%, with its market capitalization increasing by €40 billion since January 2014.
* Dividends distributed over the past 10 years reached €31 billion, with a cumulative cash dividend yield of 98%.

Note: The year-end market capitalization is based on Intesa Sanpaolo's closing share price of €3.86 on December 30, 2024, the last trading day on the Milan Stock Exchange.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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